

Would it not be INTERESTING to think this world was interactive? Interactive, not on a crass physical level, but to our thoughts, and feelings?

Synchronicity is one of these horribly unscientific ideas, if we define “science” as “if Siberian Snow Tigers really exist, then you should be able to show one walking out of those woods tomorrow at 11am on the dot”. No tiger, oh sorry, it must not be “science”. Ergo, snow tigers do not exist, and only stupid people insist on looking for them.

Interestingly, Michael Farraday was supposed to attend a seance of the then famous Daniel Home, to describe whom the word “psychic” was invented. Many, many times, he made tables rise up into the air in normal light, in front of many witnesses, when there was plainly no physical force capable of doing it. He was tested, and was able to make a violin play in a cage, and to change the weight on a scale without touching it. Farraday insisted that he be told in advance EXACTLY what would happen, and when informed that it changed often, refused to come. This is anti-scientific. If something can be seen once, then over some period of time, it can be seen again, even if it is irregular in its appearance.

Of course, I read psychology and know about the confirmation bias. Of course this effect exists. To deny it would be stupid. And yet, and yet: Jung came up with the term when a patient was describing an exotic, rare beatle, which just happened along as she was doing so. Not unreasonably, he attached significance to it.

Today I posted something in German on my Facebook, I believe for the first time. Tonight I ran into some Germans in a bar, for the first time in 3-4 years and got to practice my German. Apparently I still have a Swiss and not American accent.

Random coincidence? Somebody wins the lottery, right? I choose not to think so. That is my choice.

Exercise: watch for this sort of thing over the next month, and see if you are not surprised. I have every reason to believe the world we live in is magical in ways we cannot even imagine.