
Susan Sarandon

Self evidently, I don’t agree with Sarandon, but at least she has escaped the hive mind.  This tweet, of course, is very, very safe Virtue Signalling, which is synonymous with a public abdication of the responsibility to think independently.  It is staying in synch with a school of fish swinging aimlessly in the ocean.

To be clear, when I say Alan Alda is dead, what I mean is that people who used to call themselves Liberals have now become daily able to mute or remodel their views in congruence with that days propaganda broadcasts.  They can no longer be differentiated from the herd.  They have no individual voices any more.  They are not allowed to: dissidence and non-conformity are punished severely, instantly, and publicly, and no rehabilitation is possible.

The Left is using and displaying Soviet style mind control, in this country, in an alleged Information Age.  It is unbelievable.  But it must be believed, because it is manifestly happening.