
Star Parker and Abortion

I liked this column:

She says: “Let’s be clear that pro-aborts and pro-lifers differ on far more than
technicalities about when life begins. They differ about what life is.”  I agree.

She says: “It takes a certain deadening of the heart, of the soul to read the
description of the little baby clasping his fingers and toes as the
doctor jams his scissors into his skull , and still believe this should
be permitted.”  I agree.

We need to be clear about the logic of the “pro-choice” movement (quotes, because one half of the people involved gets no choice): there is no difference in principle between removing a woman’s gall bladder or kidney, and removing and killing a viable child.  This is the logic of “My body, my choice”.  This is the logic of Kermit Gosnell and those who defend him.

She says: “Since Roe v Wade, we’ve given birth to a new materialistic culture of
narcissism where reverence for life itself is gone. Life has become a
commodity and people use each other as cavalierly as they destroy
innocent young life.” I agree.

What was the logic of abortion choice?  That women would fare better when allowed not to have children they did not want, and which they somehow “contracted” from consensual sex that was done unintelligently.

What has been the effect?  Are women empowered?  Given that the most abortions are performed in poor black ghettos, it would seem not.  Can we say that killing thousands of little black babies every year is somehow improving our communal life?  Yes, the statistical likelihood is that they would have become de facto wards of the State, but this is only true because Democrats prevent all economic policies from being enacted which would likely generate economic growth in the ghettos.

I think Star Parker is right that tolerating abortion requires a coursening of the spirit, a hardening of the heart, a chosen violation of natural human instincts to protect and defend the defenseless.

In all my moral/ethical writings I talk about looking at the effects over time and across populations of certain types of behavior.  As I see it, this is the only wise, the only true way to get at the heart of morality, which is about elevating the human spirit, and increasing feelings of peace, joy, and belonging.

Abortion clearly does none of these things.  All one can say about it is that it provides economic advantages to irresponsible and frivolous people.  That is not a sufficient defense to warrant not opposing it, at least in most cases.

And to reiterate what should be patently obvious, there is no Constitutional right to abortion.  It is nowhere to be found, or even hinted at in the Bill of Rights.  Roe v. Wade in important respects paved the way for the patently unConstitutional Supreme Court defense of Obamacare.

Mediocrity creates mediocrity.   Stupidity and lack of principle can become habits, particularly when reinforced by vigorous propaganda.