
Spy novel level conspiracy theory

Imagine the missing woman–I won’t try and remember her name–is actually a NWO agent, and that she was moved to a safe location by agents of the NWO after infecting her colleagues, and that the CCP itself is either in on it, or thinks she is dead because that is what they were told.

Bill Gates is helping nothing both by–reading headlines–calling for a national lockdown when things are nearly at a standstill already, both disease and work-wise; and by calling that no mass gatherings should be allowed until we have a vaccine.

Again, there is a tried and true, reliable, works every time remedy: Herd Immunity.  It is something we can get in the next month or less if we open up the gates.

Here’s a good link on that, if I haven’t posted it:

His argument is more or less the one I’ve been making.  Let the young and healthy (diabetes, being really fat and some other things even in the young present issues) go back to work, then let everyone else out a month later.  If they wind up in the hospital, we can deal with it.

But that globalists are USING this is to my mind beyond argument.  The only real discussion–which is really an impossible discussion, since we lack sufficient data and likely always will–is whether or not this thing was planned.

But we need to grow the balls to ignore people like Gates, and Ezekiel Emmanuel, and accept that we will nearly all get this, and then move through it.