It occurred to me that it would be an outstanding idea for the FEC or other designated body to spot check all the State elections. They should, for example, mail in fake ballots–all for Joe Biden of course, or an equal number of each–and see how many get through. They could use names the KNOW are not on the voter ballots. They could sign them “Mickey Mouse”. They could use their own names. Do this, then see how many, if any, get kicked back. Say 25 in each major precinct.
They could vote in person on behalf of known dead people. They could use fake ID’s, and see if they are spotted.
And if the FEC can’t do this sort of thing for some legal reason, the Republicans in the various States should push for it.
The reality is that our voting system is outdated and really, really stupid. Because the Democrats have been cheating to an unknown extent for an unknown number of years, they have for a long time railed against OBVIOUS remedies like Voter ID, which are in place EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD.
Given the important of elections, and the likelihood of violence no matter who wins–or appears to win–it seems like now is an obvious time to put in place common sense protections that will help convince people like me that the assholes are not cheating and lying their way into position to destroy my Constitution, for which so many hundreds of thousands of Americans have fought and died.
None of this should be controversial. THAT it is should tell anyone with a grain of intelligence all they need to know.