

 It occurs to me that no honest spirituality can or should begin from anything but enlightened self interest.  Take care of yourself, first, then all things fall into place.  Even now, in this world, if all people focused on caring for themselves, without taking too much or too little, all would be well.

The desire to “save the world” really does not normally begin in a place of honest self interest.  Such people, placed in a situation where no one needed saving, would find themselves in an emotional existential crisis.  They would have to return to themselves, and find they don’t know themselves at all.

Yesterday, I found myself saying “FUCK THESE PEOPLE”, and by these people I mean everyone too stupid to understand what is being done to us, or who is being manipulated by the race rioters.

It occurred to me my life would be much more peaceful if I stopped trying to care about the future of humanity, an essentially infinite amount of which is not up to me.  

This is my new goal.  I keep trying to go there, and keep failing, but that is still my goal.