Anger, sadness, jealousy, greed: none of these are foreign. None of these are abnormal. What I would submit, though, is that it is certainly useful to believe that happiness is our natural state, and in point of fact I think this is actually true, in an absolute sense we will be able to see when we pass on.
Our task is to follow a path laid down for us to happiness, which travels through, and attains familiarity with ALL, the side routes of all the normally unhelpful emotions.
I have more to say, but I feel it won’t quite come out right at this time, so I’m going to go watch some more of the Lord of the Rings, and keep testing out my Movie Yoga. If it works out, I’m going to compete in the Regional Serenity Contest next month. I think I may even be able to make Nationals. (h/t to the Onion. That link is pretty funny.)