A coherent, non-decadent society depends first and foremost on duties, on everyone carrying their share. The core contention of socialists is that no matter how lazy and stupid you are, you deserve to be cared for, and it is the DUTY of SOMEONE ELSE to do it.
Quite literally, the only duty they demand of those who support them is that they vote for them, and campaign for them. That’s it.
Decadence, though, is when you think first and foremost about yourself, and only secondarily about others, the society as a whole.
And I want to reiterate that Capitalism–if we ignore the Monetary Mercantilists–is a system in which greed can ONLY be satisfied by providing something people want at a price they are willing to pay, and doing it earlier and/or better than anyone else. The only exceptions are when government steps in to protect monopolies, when it uses taxpayer money to buy political support, and in cases of outright graft and fraud, which are both illegal, and which WOULD be prosecuted by a non-corrupt government.