
Social scoring

Ponder this:

Big Brother for real, at long last ZERO hyperbole. 24 hour a day continuous tracking.
And the amoral anti-Liberals at Facebook, Google and Apple are HELPING THEM. Unbelievable.
What this is Operant Conditioning. You reward desired behaviors and punish–or fail to reward, which amounts to the same thing–behaviors you want to extinguish.
This is training human beings like dogs.
And what is the Big Goal? IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN. Pay no attention to what the rulers are doing, how they are living, who they are cheating, who they are abusing, who they are raping, whose shit they are stealing.
This is what happens when philosophy dies. Rather, when it shoots itself in the head through sheer fucking stupidity, cowardice and incompetence. 
Truth does not die. But the love of truth most certainly does.