
Social effects of Central Banks and Fractional reserve banking

Everything that Socialists claim to want–decreased work weeks, better retirements, increased access to healthcare, an end to poverty, a more “humane” world–could have already been achieved, had we not granted 90% or more of our national wealth production to the banks, some of which they kept, and some of which they simply wasted.

The Federal Reserve, and fractional reserve banking system it enables and parts of which it represents, is the reason we have such high divorce rates. It is the reason poor fathers cannot provide for their children; the reason stressed out fathers and mothers cheat on one another and become emotionally unavailable because exhausted. The Federal Reserve is the reason we consign our parents to “homes” that are nothing of the sort, where they are fed horrible food, and in too many cases treated like profitable cattle.

The Federal Reserve is the reason so many children grow up in single parent homes, and never see their (usually) mother who is working all the time, and not very helpful when she is home, as she lacks the energy.

One could argue the Federal Reserve is the reason we so fear terrorism: it has enabled a fundamentally unstable financial system, that can be attacked reasonably easily, causing widespread, rather than local, damage.

The Federal Reserve is the reason for the empty eyes and shattered hopes one sees in some parts of town, and the reason so many of them wind up in jail, or dependent on Democrats very happy to make them so.

This is not a small, tangential problem. It is at the HEART of substantially every economic, political, and social problem we face.

These bastards have to be reigned in. I see Ron Paul has the support of the military, and unlike Rick Perry is not doing himself in–he of course has the help of the complicit media in making sure his message is not heard. It will be interesting to see if the organizing skills of the Left can be brought to bear to get Paul elected. The media are only polling active Republicans right now as to their preference.

The sheer extent of the LIES one sees in the media can be discouraging. I take comfort from a precommitment I have made to never quit, no matter what.