
SHARE THIS!!!!! Important!!!!

Alex Jones was in the main right.  So was Glenn Beck.  Our fucking government under Obama has created concentration camps of PRECISELY the Communist variety, even including interrogation chambers.  The leaked document discussing the concrete details is here:

As I calm down slightly, it occurs to me this could be a forgery.  But that is the ONLY way in which we the American people were not just given concrete evidence that Obama is an aspiring dictator, and that if he has his way, our freedom will be over soon.

The video discussing the highlights is here:

Now, add together this, 2 billion bullets, gun targets of pregnant women, and 2,700 tanks.   It’s not a fucking pretty picture.  NOW WHERE THE HELL WILL CONGRESS BE ON THIS?  DO THEY WANT TYRANNY?  ARE THEY IN ON IT? 

Some patriot leaked this.  One hopes there are enough left to prevent this plan from being executed.  In my view all National Guard commands need to have contingencies in place to fight the DHS,  and even conceivably regular military units.  This shit is real.