

It has long been my contention that whenever mainstream science wakes up and considers the possibility that life is something more than material elements happening to fall together continually over millions of years, they will realize that there is something in life I have often called “non-statistical coherence”. There is a pattern and order to life that is broader and deeper than can be explained by purely materialistic models. OF COURSE we understand how DNA molecules replicate, how embryos grow, etc. What we do not understand is how the intelligence is added, by which undifferentiated stem cells become differentiated (red blood, bone, etc.) cells, and go to the right places, and build the right shapes.

The way I visualize life is that a spirit enters a prepared place, and builds the body around it. It brings with it a template, an order, and the material responds to it, with the mechanical tools provided by the DNA and various proteins.

The thought I had the other day I wanted to pass along, though–this is all more or less repetition–is that there are orders of life. The first aspect of life is awareness, by which I mean the capacity to react to environmental circumstances systemically. Plants, as an example, seem to have “feelings”. If you have never watched it, “The Secret Life of Plants” is worth the watch. (I have not watched this link, but assume it is OK.)

Now, the Jains have this idea that different sorts of life have different numbers of “senses”. If memory serves, plants have one (although it may be stones–since I think they believe everything is alive, making plants 2).

In my typology, then, plants have one grade of life. Animals have a second, the capacity for directed and thus purposive motion. They have the ability both to react and to make decisions.

Humans are capable of being conscious of being conscious, as individuals. I can think “I think”. This is a third level.

Extrapolating, though, I come up with a fourth level: that of being aware of OTHER consciousnesses, not just theoretically, but in actual union. This is the capacity for love, and the next stage of evolution.

Finally, logically, it seems to me that there is a superconsciousness, God, permeating everything, and that my consciousness can be conscious of this other grade of consciousness. This may or may not be the highest level.

These are of course just words, but may lead somewhere for someone. Good luck!!!