Consider, though, how easily someone like Bill Ayers swims in this soup. All he has to do is act nice, be congenial, and agree with everything. If you act nice, well, then there is no room in a leftists head for the possibility of disingenuousness, if that person is an ideological fellow traveler.
Sybaritic leftists cannot CONCEIVE that Obama would be lying consciously and often about very basic elements of his past, such as having been born in Kenya, or having a card carrying Communist for a father. They put their fingers in their ears, and go naanananananaa.
Yet, I would stipulate that some part of all of us is always fully aware. It is fully awake. It KNOWS on some level that something doesn’t add up. But people do not want to listen to that voice, the one that has real knowledge about how the world REALLY works.
Look at Europe. There are no major nations there that have not participated in mass colonialism, fascism, and the slaughter of innocents. Look, for example, at Belgium, capital of the EU. Just 100 years ago they were neck deep in mass murder in Africa:
History was something they created, an evil which flowed from the hands of the supposedly enlightened. Now, all these nations want to pretend that human evil is in the past, something that can never happen again. Why? Why can’t it happen? Why am I not justified in seeing the present generation of children as more or less being bred to accept atrocity?
People don’t want to know how bad things can get. We have grown up safe and sound, accustomed to the idea of a benevolent government tucking us in every night, maybe with milk and cookies. I ask, though: what moral progress has happened that gives us cause for justifiable optimism? The EU government is already trying to subvert the rights of member nations.
Look in your heart, carefully. If you are honest, you will find vanity, greed, stupidity, heartlessness, and the capacity, in the right circumstances, for violence. If you are a good person, all these things will only be present in trifling amounts, but I would submit that if you cannot find ANY of that that you are engaging in self deception.