Most ordinary Americans, until recently, really didn’t GET just how fucking crazy the Left–and the Democrats who are now their party–are. They haven’t understood that it is some new fucking imposition every day–which the skinny jeans love, because it is like new tech, and they are empty on the inside, which is why changing gender is as easy as changing clothes–and that it NEVER EVER STOPS. The goal is not rectifying wrongs. The goal is not improving the world. There is no plan. There are no ideas or vision. It’s about assault, attack, destruction. That’s all.
The thing about people who are mutable and tuned to the winds is that they can change on a dime. All the people who have been hearing out the white kids running BLM could just start saying en masse: this is BULLSHIT. If they say it in public, and start getting reinforcement, it is over for these people.
Obviously, they know this and fear this. My local newspaper stopped allowing comments after I apparently said one too many things that made sense. It’s a Gannett paper, and I looked: in other markets, comments are still allowed. Just mine where they stopped, or at least as far as I know.
But even with censorship, even with campaigns of public villification, the tide is probably going to be too strong. We are being told no at every corner. No on going out to eat. No on movie theaters. No on this, no on that.
What I think most people really don’t want is MORE scolding. Dear God no.