
Satanic Christianity

Most of the curses I received as a young child were, I think, conceived and executed as blessings.  Here is the thing: a Christianity consisting in fear, hatred, repressed rage, blind submission, and physical violence is more suitably called Satanism.  It is more Satanic than Satanism because Satanists ACKNOWLEDGE the object of their worship.  Such Christians lie to themselves and others about what they do, and why they do; about who, in the end, they are.  No honest Satanist should ever tell the truth about their creed.  This much has always seemed obvious to me.  Satanic Christianity is a double removal: truth is removed from public display, and from private consciousness.  This second removal perhaps makes it slightly less odious, but the reality is that Satanists themselves lie to themselves as well.  They pretend that the feeling power they seek is possible for more than moments, and that they can escape the horror within them by attempting to satiate it.  They cannot.  This, too, is addiction.

But I do think we need to be very clear that the word “Christian” implies absolutely nothing about the character and conscience of the person professing to be one.