
Sandy Hook

My interest in this was reawakened this week when it was revealed that according to official FBI statistics, no murders were committed in Newtown in 2012.

Digging in to it, it appears the consensus among those who think it was a conspiracy was that Adam Lanza did not exist, that his picture was photoshopped, that the mother had multiple aliases and is not only still alive, but gave an interview on camera, and that NO children were killed, and that whole thing was staged using actors and police and emergency personnel in on the “joke”.  The goal, self evidently, was creating an operative pretext to call all opponents of allowing a government monopoly on the effective use of force “baby killers.”  One can see the logic of this, cynical and absolutely awful as it is.

I have looked at a lot of videos, which I don’t like, since I prefer to read.  I can do it ten times faster, and filter for actually useful information.  I will save you the many links that were supposedly posted the day before, which seem to show preknowledge.  Here is one that is still active: 

Note the date.  The Sandy Hook shooting supposedly took place on the 14th.  Why that has not been corrected, I do not know.  This being the internet, maybe a conspiracy theorist copied something.  The claim, which I don’t care to investigate further, has been made that MANY people did this.

The claim is now being made that Sandy Hook Elementary was not even OPEN when the shooting allegedly took place.  One person claims there was no internet use.  Another claims that if you look at hard copy public bulletins all references to Sandy Hook disappear about 2008, even though all the other schools in the area continue to post things like school plays, PTA meetings and the like.

I am tired of researching, so I am going to give you three points to evaluate, which I think in tandem are damning for those willing to see with fresh eyes.

One: watch the first ten minutes of this video (or however much you want, until what is not happening becomes obvious):

Let me reiterate a few facts: the school supposedly had over 600 children.  The claim was made that some people were wounded and not killed, both children and adults.

Where are the ambulances?  They are at the Fire House.  There was no shooting at the fire house.

Where are the children?  Even the helicopter reporter asks this.  They have at that point not been evacuated, but there are no buses.  No one ever films them leaving, throughout the REST of the day.  We have a PICTURE of kids that got circulated, but one which could quite easily have been taken months earlier during a fire drill, and it is perhaps a dozen out of the 600.  Where is MedEvac?  MedEvac was apparently never even CALLED, according to another one of these videos.  They were never put on stand-by.

And most telling, just watch the demeanor of the cops.  They are loitering. They don’t give a fuck.  There is  no urgency.  You know what it looks like?  Another fucking boring drill.  And that is what it looks like to me too.

Now watch this video of alleged father Robbie Parker, and alleged aunt something:

I want you to watch the video through three lens.  Watch it multiple times, if need be.  Imagine these people are serious, and just lost a dear child.

Then when that doesn’t work (I don’t think it will),  look at them as emotionally detached, pathologically unemotional people.

Then watch it as bad acting.  Robbie Parker particularly.  It is OBVIOUS that he is smiling, then getting into his role.

Imagine this scenario: he has just been in the back with a bunch of fellow actors, hashing out his statement, working out the details of their story so there are no inconsistencies.  Imagine he sees himself as in the middle of what he sees as a massive practical joke, a massive–thus far successful–fraud of a scale rarely attempted in American history.  Does that smile not make sense?  Does his failure to start with an appropriate demeanor not square perfectly with the mental mediocrity needed to be complicit in a lie this crass and abominable?

Now, every day is Halloween on the internet, and if I were desperate or unprincipled enough, I could have any credentials I wanted to tomorrow, make any claim, and some people would believe me.  Thus, I think it wise to doubt much of what one reads.

However, this website claims not just to have identified Parker as an actor, but to have found out his actual name: Samual Travis Delaney.  Profession?  Among other things, actor.

Now watch as many minutes as you like of this video:

The coroner is odd, but what I want you do to is watch the two cops on the right side of the screen, to his left.  I have done a bit of work in microexpression recognition–Paul Ekman created a training program that I’ve spent perhaps two hours with–and it seems OBVIOUS to me that both of them are suppressing smirks.  The one with the mustache in particular seems to break out into an actual grin a couple of times.  Pause it at 1:48.  Look at the guy at the left at 2:44.  There are a number of occasions where he seems to be suppressing laughter.  The woman smiles too, behind him, about 2:58, then immediately tries to suppress it.

Watch the guy with the mustache at 3:04 again, after being asked about the nature of the wounds.  He has to look down, and both the other cops have a grin barely being suppressed, like kids getting away with something.  He comes back up with a grin about 3:10, and sneaks a conspiratorial glance at the cop on the left.

I suspect I could go on, but if you can’t see it by now, you’re not going to see it.

This video footage could easily run by somebody skilled in lie detection and microexpression analysis, and it is not going to be consistent with grief.

Simple question: does this make sense if they have just seen a tragedy they are greatly affected by?  No, of course not.

Does it make sense if they KNOW everything this guy is saying is complete bullshit, and that everybody is eating it up?  Fuck yes it does.

We can certainly question the Republican Party as to its commitment to fiscal sanity and the principle of limited government.  In general, though, it has been a STRONG supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and the balance of power between the people and their government it was intended to facilitate, and that alone is worth a lot.  An armed populace is much harder to deal with than an unarmed one, and Obama alone has put tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of firearms into circulation.

Even though a great lie–and I would argue a great evil–seems to have been committed here, there is reason for cautious optimism because the people who put this show on seem to view it as vital to disarm Americans–something  they failed horribly in, creating in fact a massive surge in gun and ammo buying–and that current political weather is strongly in their faces.

It is important to tell the truth.  I would like to see an actual investigation done, with actual interviews with alleged parents and confirmation of their identities, to the extent possible.  I would like some sort of investigator appointed who could operate outside the normal demands of politics.  I don’t know what options we have.  Perhaps an Independent Prosecutor, if we can find an honest one.

A recurring theme among people who claimed to be knowledgeable in this field is that this was not only a hoax, but that it wasn’t even a very good one.

But this lie reaches throughout Connecticut Police.  It reaches the Federal level.  In my view, it reaches the Oval Office, and those voices which intrude in on it that wish no Americans well.

We need to start facing as a nation the truth that at least some segments of our government have set the gross curtailment of our liberty as a vital goal, and have in fact acted on it, and perhaps even committed actual acts of murder.

I’m at this point willing to consider many possibilities.  I had seen the claim made prior to the war in Afghanistan that it was really about an oil or gas pipeline.  I had never read or seen anything about this, the leftists blamed everything on Big Oil anyway, so I saw that as something made up by the cynical for the stupid.

But lo and behold:

This fucking thing actually exists.  It was started in 1995, stopped in 1998 due to Taliban opposition, and started again in 2002 after our invasion.  Whether getting this thing done was a principle secret goal of the war or not, our war clearly enabled it to happen, and it otherwise likely would not have.  It opens next year.

We need to start asking bold and large questions about the last 30 years.  Now is the time.

3 replies on “Sandy Hook”

America's actions in Ukraine are what woke me up, started me questioning & seeking, and led me down the rabbit hole.

I've been a faithful conservative all my life, but all of my illusions about who and what the US has become in the last decades – including Vietnam, really – have been falling away from me, painfully.

The red pill is a hard, hard thing.

Vietnam I am actually still OK with. It was a Fascist coup being conducted from the North using infiltrated troops, who used terror and the threat of terror to coerce the South Vietnamese to help them in their terror campaigns, which included bomb and mortar attacks on civilians and hospitals, constant assassination, and a general viciousness much worse than the worst things John Kerry (falsely) accused our soldiers of.

We had a strategic interest, because it was a proxy war to show the rest of the world what sort of ally we were in the fight against Soviet imperialism. Had we done nothing, it is quite possible many more nations would have chosen to side with the Soviets.

And as it happens, there were three dominos: Laos, South Vietnam, and Cambodia.

And what most people fail to realize, because it has been written out of the history books, is that we WON the war on the ground. The Vietcong and NVA were DESTROYED as effective fighting forces in the south. The villages were pacified and made safe through the tactics of Gen. Creighton Abrams.

The lesson of Vietnam is the power of progandanda, and the costs of treasons of the sort John Kerry and Jane Fonda committed (you can find interviews with senior NVA commanders who LITERALLY name her and a few others as giving them the courage to continue in the face of such major defeats as both Tet's).

When we left in 1972 the war was won. All the South needed was continued aid, air support, and naval logistical support. That was it. The North invaded Easter 1972, and got their asses handed to them.

Then Nixon got caught in a lie, about an operation he had not authorized. And the Democrats in Congress neutered him, put in a neutered Gerald Ford, and when the North pushed their tanks into the South again in 1974, and waited for a response, there was none. We provided no air support to the South, no naval transport for rapid redeployment, and not even any MONEY. All money, to Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam was cut off.

You had, if memory serves,in North and South Vietnam, the 3rd and 4th largest militaries in the world. It was a conventional conflict in every possible sense of the word. It was the sort of conflict we wage well and have always waged well.

But communist propaganda had convinced the American people that a war which had been won was in fact lost. And then, lost it was in actuality, and nobody on the Left has had the decency to even ATTEMPT to tell the truth about our chosen failure, and the lies it was based on, since.

That has not been the case with ex-NVA officers, many of whom have written books which tear the conventional narratives about that war to shreds. Many were betrayed and very angry, and it showed.

Good books: A better war by Lewis Sorley

Vietnam: the necessary war, by Michel Lind (if memory serves)

I have to confess, though, that I am starting to wonder if Dick Cheney and those around him really were responsible for 9/11. It has been alleged by people who would seem to be in a position to know, and it does seem to be a fact that the security company for all three towers was run by Bush's brother.

And I may change my tune about Vietnam. It's a coherent theology, but theology can be internally consistent, and completely wrong.

The Soviets did clearly exist, did clearly have global ambitions, and did clearly act on those ambitions. They were in my view a legitimate enemy, even as present day Communist remain the enemies of everything decent humankind was ever created.

It is little known, but Ho Chi Minh joined the Comintern some time in the mid-1920's. He was actually a founding member of the French Communist Party. He spent much of the 1930's, in my understanding, in the Soviet Union.

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