Over the past week or so, I keep getting notices on my Facebook page that “your comments have been deleted as they go against our Community Standards [what a fucking joke both words are in this context] on spam.
I can’t see most of them. A circle with a line across it shows when I try and click on most of them, but here is one example, which I have just cut and pasted:
It is very likely that “social distancing’ is going to kill more people than a more intelligent, more thoughtful strategy would have.
Here is another:
If you got time on your hands, read this. It’s the most lucid thinking about this whole mess I have seen. If you like it and agree it has value, then please share it on your own social media: https://www.pensford.com/why-flattening-the-curve-is-overrated/
Here is the thing: I’ve been saying for some time that the Left wing Lunatics, our aspiring Overlords (and Overladies, let’s not be sexist), have a big problem on how to get us out of the mess THEY CREATED, using CORRUPT, DISHONEST SCIENCE, without people en masse waking up and asking questions.
I can only assume that Facebook is deleting posts from a YEAR AGO–I’m not sure, but most seem to be from last March–so that they can erase evidence that they COULD AND SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER.
One of the most jarring conclusions one can reach about human evil is how banal and uninteresting it is. How fucking STUPID, uncreative, dull, tedious and annoying the powerful truly are. This was in my view Hannah Arendt’s main insight.
I read Eichman in Jerusalem. You know what I remember? That he kept the receipts for his haircuts in a box in his home. That’s about it, along of course with the phrase “banality of evil” that I already knew going in.
But that is the sort of people we are dealing with.
Watch this. It is obviously edited, but one of my kids showed me the original version, and had concluded that he must be a fucking sociopath. This is not a guy you would want to have a beer with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVyLlFezj2E
This is the sort of person in play to CONTROL OUR COLLECTIVE DESTINY. He’s not someone you would want to play tennis with, or spend time with for any reason. Honestly, I only watched the first 30 seconds. That was enough.
THESE are the people deleting comments I made a year ago, which have aged extremely well. All of the logic was there then. All the facts needed to form a good picture were available. Fauci and the WHO simply lied about what they knew.
And to be clear, I’m not accusing either of them, or anyone else, of incompetence. It is vastly, vastly worse than that.