OF COURSE he knew what was in that newsletter. The questions are:
1) Does it matter?
2) If it matters, how much?
For context, let us consider that our current President sat in the front pew of a church in Chicago in which the theme every week was “HATE WHITEY”. This is no exaggeration. This was a weekly occurrence–when he was in town–for over a DECADE.
For further context, let us consider that with roughly 6% of the population, black men represent some 45% of the prison inmates in this country. According to this link+
The [incarceration] rate for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000.
4,789 is 6.5 times 735.
Now I have lived all over this country, and overseas. It is a simple fact in my experience that more black people equals more crime. If you are living in a small town with no crime, black populations are in proportion to the country as a whole, at roughly 12% or less. I’m not supposed to say this, but it is true in my experience, and no amount of politically correct bullshit can alter this. The statistics support it.
Further, if you look at the intentionally divisive rhetoric of hate-mongers like Jerry Wright and his friend Louis Farrakhan, they WANTED a race war. They think, to this day, of America as an apartheid state in which the prisons are used to keep the black man down, rather than the inevitable result of breaking the law.
It is ASTONISHING that statements made by Ron Paul 20 years ago would get this much scrutiny, when Obama’s patent and absolutely inescapable pattern of associating with the most horrific hate-mongers on the planet is ignored by the media.
Here is the fact: we are going to founder and fail as nation if we continue on our current path. That is the goal of the sociopathic LUNATICS, who assume–in some cases rightly–that in congruence with the “some pigs are more equal than others” principle, the suffering will be meted out to OTHERS, and not to them. Self evidently, the suffering will come first and in greatest portion to those who are ALREADY SUFFERING.
Do you think Barack or Michelle Obama give a rat’s ass about ordinary black people? Seriously? Michelle refused to treat poor black people in the hospital she ran if they couldn’t pay for the services, and if they couldn’t get the government to pay. Barack commented on how expensive arugula had gotten, from which the clear inference can be made that he literally did not grasp that the rest of the world did not live in the cushy circumstances his political deals have allowed him to live in.
WE ARE BORROWING $125 BILLION A MONTH. The Federal Reserve and fractional banking system take the lion’s share of the wealth we earn as a nation without contributing anything productive.
Ron Paul is the only person who can be trusted to make the SCALE of changes that need to be made. As we have been seeing over the last decade, even a Republican President and Republican Congress cannot be relied on to fix things. They just make things worse a BIT more slowly. That is all. That is it.
This nation is being run by assholes and lunatics, and the media is fiddling while great and PREVENTABLE suffering lurks just over the horizon. Disgusting.