
Relic of a bygone era

Back when many liberals were Liberal, humanity as a whole was respected, and appropriate and helpful limits drawn.  Back when mobs were opposed in principle, even if they could not always be helped.
I can’t resist a comment: now, can you not see, easily see, Corey Booker, or Kamala Harris, or Nancy Pelosi, or Maxine Waters marching at the head of this mob of demanders marching North, which is perhaps even now being pelted with something hard not to see as the direct wrath of God?  Can you not see them taking cause with people who don’t speak English, who were born in other nations, who belong in other nations, and want to come here only to take our stuff, which they (Democrats) readily enough see, as usual, as other people’s stuff?  They are meat for their mill, and they are happy enough to get it.  Guaranteed Democrats.  People still naive enough to think free stuff falls from heaven, and that the shower can and will continue forever.
The deciding metric seems to be that if it hurts the United States, it is good.  This was not always true of Democrats, but it is now.