
Relative and Absolute Herd Immunity

I continue to wonder why simple things keep getting muddled, not just in spite of, but often BECAUSE of the nearly continual exhortative perorations of our “Experteriat”.

Here is the thing: Herd Immunity is Farr’s Law, which means that in any SINGLE epidemic or pandemic a point is reached where enough people have enough relative immunity that, after peaking at the top of a Bell Curve, cases and deaths diminish and disappear, mostly. The dying and sicking drops to a trickle.

Humanity has achieved relative Herd Immunity eventually in every epidemic and pandemic in human history.

There have been, for example, hundreds ot thousands or tens of thousands of smallpox outbreaks (breaking out from silent presence to active spread and growth), ALL OF WHICH have ended. You may have a bad outbreak which kills a lot of people, thrn ends, then not get another for 10, 25, 50 years, or MORE.

There is no reason to think COVID can be eliminated any more thsn the flu or common cold. It is a pointless and abusive delusion.

People are “vaccinated” manifestly continue to do everything the unvaccinated do. They get sick with COVID. They carry COVID. They DIE of COVID.

So in any given outbreak the goal is to progress to THAT YEAR’S relative Herd Immunity, and to my mind self evidently to do so by teaching everyone to protect their own health by eliminating easily rectified and prevented nutitional deficiencies, combined with protecting the vulnerable and weak.

All of this is common sense, and if I might coin a phrase, Common Science.

All you have to do to deduce pervasive corrupt and perverse intent is look at what WE ALL KNOW TO BE TRUE, then compare that to the heavily depleted and redacted narratives of pur own Faucists.

Scientifically, the public pronouncements look like private memos released under legal coercion by the CIA or FBI. Half of it is missing.