

 It is worth reiterating that about 200 people, in a planet of 7 billion or so, are turning what would and could and should be a bright future into a hell for most of us.

They are consciously turning us against one another.  They are paying for the media to do this, our colleges to do this, our leaders to do this.

They are suppressing spiritual science, non-materialistic science.  They are preventing the emergence of what we KNOW about the operation of psi, and what is strongly supported in the realm of survival of death, into common knowledge.  It is scarcely to be found at any university anywhere.  Duke, the University of Virginia, and possibly the University of Arizona are the only ones I know.  And despite the importance of these issues to human life, they are poorly funded and scarcely noticed by most.

They are suppressing natural and easy remedies for many illnesses, and suppressing natural and easy preventatives.  Where, now, are the people recommending from high places Vitamin D to prevent COVID-19 complications?  The few I see are being censored by the self important and awful tools of Big Tech.

They are in my view suppressing available and world altering new energy sources using Zero Point or Free energy.  This, while they are pushing a global destruction of wealth production in the name of preventing a Global Warming which can only come from oil based fuels, on their own account.  If we used something infinite, free and clean, then none of this global warming nonsense would last a minute longer.

They are preventing the spread and democratization of wealth.  They are hoarding money and power and wealth to an extent no sane person can begin to comprehend.  People who are worth tens of billions want to be worth hundreds, and people who are worth hundreds aspire to a trillion.  I really believe this.

Their model is the successful returns to monarchy, as found in China, and Cuba and North Korea.  Their souls are empty.

In the world, where are the people willing and able and POSITIONED to stand against them?  We can build a beautiful future.  All the blocks, all the tools are there.  But we cannot do so while under relentless attack by nihilistic lunatics.  We need protection.  I don’t from whence it will come, but manifestly not from most of our leaders, not from our courts, not from our politicians, nearly all of whom seem to be corrupt.

We are SO CLOSE.  That is what drives me crazy.  None of this is needed.  We have the technology to eliminate illness and poverty the world over, and to free people from oppressive governments.  And the power elite is trying to herd us all back into cages, back into the past, back into the worst of humanity, rather than trying to build the best.  It is pure evil.