
re: Gary Johnson

Politics is the art of the possible.  The art of the impossible–of the idealist–is that of the irrelevant.

Great thoughts are great thoughts.  But they don’t matter any more than great works of art hanging in galleries.  Until they affect and infect people in a position to make a difference, they are inanimate and useless practically.

We have a great infection within our Body Politic, a cancer of sorts.  That is a body composed at full strength of 9 people, who collectively have been allowed to wield more power than the Executive and Legislative Branches put together.  Their JOB is supposedly to protect the Constitution.  It was in the name of this outwardly noble cause that they were allowed to usurp the power of Judicial Review, which is nowhere contained in the Constitution.

But power, once assumed, is never relinquished, and always eventually abused.  The Four Horsemen held off a complete fascistic take-over–and that is the correct word–under FDR, but they were unable to hold off massive corruptions of our national life in the form of patently unConstitutional abuses and enlargements of Federal authority.

At the present moment, we are at the edge of a deep precipice.  If Hillary is elected, the final corruption of the Court is inevitable.  All reasonable, all legal, all principled blocks on the final arrogation of ultimate power by the Federal government will be removed, likely in short order, and that under the most corrupt human being ever to stand in striking distance of the White House, at least as far as I can recall.  Regardless of his countless abuses of power, FDR at least thought he was trying to help people. Hillary is and always has been solely concerned with herself.

We cannot risk Hillary’s victory.  Even if we game this out, and even if we privilege feeling as an acceptable motive for a given strategy, it is in my view impossible to overlook the FACT that whatever momentary feelings may be gratified by voting for “the best man”, the allegedly honest man, the one who at least understands the importance of Constitutionality, that bad feelings will follow soon enough in the continuing encroachment of an unimaginably large, impossibly powerful leviathan, which like all such monsters kills freedom simply by its existence, even when not directed to do so by power mongering lunatics, which is who we put into the White House with Hillary.

Look at what they did to the DNC.  Imagine what is possible with an activist left wing Court.

Trump is the only possible vote for sane people.  I see no possible valid counter-argument to this position.