Hell a bad economy will even hurt the illegals that the Left has fallen so deeply in love with. It will CERTAINLY hurt just about everyone who is not rich, certainly people of color, certainly the poor, working and middle classes, and certainly our medical system.
There are few people and few programs not helped by a surging economy and few people or programs not hurt by a devastated one.
And the Democrats have circled the wagons on the Forever Quarantine. They’ve 1) made it an issue and 2) made it THEIR issue.
This is the sort of mistake which is only possible for people who are utterly and completely emotionally and socially disconnected from the mass of humanity to make. It requires functional if not yet fully clinical narcissism.
The battle for the future has begun. Our system of elections still seems to mostly work. If we can fry the Democrats nationally-and their equivalents internationally-/in coming elections, then freedom stands a chance.