

If you can get them to admit it, I suspect 8 out of 10 white people would say that as the proportion of blacks in a neighborhood increases, so too do all the petty annoyances that go with it, including loud music, increased crime, litter in the streets, poor property maintenance, and simple lack of respect for other people on the street.

I tell my kid there is no group “black people”, but I do tell them there are TYPES of black people, and a certain type EVERYONE, white and black, says oh shit I wish they didn’t just move in there.  You know your walls and windows are going to vibrate every time they start up their cars.  You know you are going to smell weed in the air, and that especially on weekends they are going to be standing out in the street making noise until at least 1 or 2 in the morning.  You fear that sooner or later you will hear gunshots.

Now, the bulk of white people have solved this problem by white flight, by moving to places where black people don’t go. Many of these people are self identified “liberals” who nonetheless would not under any circumstances live in a ghetto.

And you know there is no historical connection between a ghetto and poverty.  The term ghetto, if memory serves, was first used in Italy to describe a strong concentration of Jews.

It means poverty in this country simply because it is mainly–certainly not exclusively, since the various Chinatowns are ghettos too–blacks who wind up in homogeneous neighborhoods, and most of them are poor.

I see these kids–and I live in a very mixed neighborhood–and I KNOW that their homes are fucked up.  I KNOW they are acting out and playing the fool, and don’t give a shit if they wind up in juvie or jail again, because they don’t RESPECT themselves. Nobody ever loved them.  Nobody ever made them feel special.  Their mother was a child herself, and their father–himself the son of an absentee father–skipped town the moment he heard she was knocked up.

And so it goes.  Nobody speaks these truths, because nobody REALLY cares.  The Left doesn’t care.  Their whole system is oriented around generating feelings of self importance, moral superiority, and very concrete financial benefits.  How many of us would not love to get the speaking fees Hillary and Bill command?  Neither has done anything outside of politics.

The backdrop to all this is I just nearly got in a fight with three black teenagers, because they were smoking weed more or less at my front door, and I told them to stop.  They lied about it–as if you can conceal the smell of marijuana–and I told them not to lie to me.  They didn’t like that.  One told me to “watch my mouth”.

The thing about me is I have a scary temper.  I may or may not have admitted it here, but the flip side of terror is rage.  I only fully lose my temper about once every 3-4 years, but it is like a hurricane.  There is nothing, I am convinced, I am not capable of in the throes–in the control, the thralldom, of rage.

So I am going to move where there are no black people, or few.  There have been some here for some time who were quite congenial.  As I tell my kids: those people are not the problem.  They are just like you and me in every important respect.

But you know what?  I am speaking a truth, here, which has been spoken quietly in kitchens around this country–and no doubt in France, and Germany, and England and elsewhere–for some time.  You can call me racist, but I derive my opinions from experience.  Is the problem that I draw rational conclusions from accurate data, or that the data reflects a severely dysfunctional culture?

You cannot look at the statistics on black culture–or for that matter spend a significant period of time downtown nearly anywhere–and fail to conclude that there is a lot of violence, most of it directed against other blacks, but still by spillover likely more than whites direct against whites.

Can we perhaps coin the term Tacit Political Correctness, which does not accept the non-truths which the Thought Police attempt to force on us, but which also does not speak out against them?  They simply move to a neighborhood with half acre lots, and the rest takes care of itself.

In Europe, most of the “blacks” are Muslims.  I can just picture 14 year old Swedish girls saying “Mommy, those people make me uncomfortable”, and “Mommy”–who is an emotionally detached ideologue–saying,
“they are just different than us, make them feel welcome.”  When she gets gang raped at 17, “Mommy” wonders how these people can be reformed, how their “fundamental Goodness” can be made to shine.  She will never answer honestly: by rejecting the horrific demonism of Islam.  She will make excuses.  And her child will realize she is alone, that her mother does not actually love her.  And another excited youthful heart will grow cold.  And hard.

You know, I think all decent people of all cultures have a good, innate, idea of the differences between right and wrong.  I think historically many Islamic-based societies have found ways to reconcile Islam with their abhorrence of rape, or pedophilia, or the murder of innocents.

What I also think, though, is that the nihilism of the modern era often intersects with the worst impulses of various groups, resulting, in the case of Islam, to a recidivism back to the 7th Century.

Oh, we can all get along.  But it is reasonable to ask that people obey certain rules, hew to certain principles.  That they respect both themselves and others, and that they teach their children respect.  That they work honestly, and toil with diligence.  That they dream of better days, and work to make them happen.  That they value love and compassion and courage, and inculcate these values in their children.

As things stand today, most white kids are taught little, and most black kids are taught NOTHING; nothing but violence, anger, and a deep, deep sadness they cannot name or do away with.

If you picture a young man, filled with a sense of shame, anger, depression, anxiety, remorse, and defensiveness, does it matter what race he is before you conclude that he will act out, and that his actions will tend to be less than successful?