
Race and Propaganda

I have really realized over the past couple of days how thoroughly propagandized the American nation is.  Look for example at this Jon Stewart clip:

He says:

“We are definitely not living in a post-racial society.” Stewart added, “and I can imagine there are a lot of people out there wondering how much of a society we’re living in at all.”

It sounds reasonable.  He is establishing his “caring” bona fides, and sharing that he GETS that blacks just aren’t treated the same as whites.  This is a type of Integration Propaganda.  Integration Propaganda has as its goal the creation of a homogeneous group which can be counted on to accept the pronouncements of its elders with little or no question.  Jon Stewarts audience no doubt sees him as being profound, empathetic, that he has identified some important truth.

But the actual truth, as I have argued at some length, is that whites and blacks are killed in roughly even ratios, if we compare Officer Assisted Homicide (can we call it that?) rates among whites arrested for violent crimes, with those of blacks.  If we compare arrest rates across all crimes, blacks clearly fare much worse, with perhaps a 75% higher death rate, but I suspect most deaths are from arrests from violent crimes.  I don’t know how to find that statistic.

My POINT, though, is that there are PLENTY of miscarriages of justice between cops and white folks.  I have posted 4 in the past couple days.

So when Jon Stewart invokes race, he does so without an empirical basis.  He is just saying what people in his position, coming from a certain worldview, say.

And again, to be clear, I think someone should have been charged with reckless endangerment or negligent homicide in this case, but the fact remains this was not PRIMARILY racial.   Bad things happen to white people too.

And this is the point I wanted to make.  The difference is that white people are not a target for Agitation Propaganda by left wing propagandists.  We are not whipped up into frenzies when a blatant (and there are much worse cases than Brown or Garner) crime is committed by police.

The whole point of mixing Agitation and Integration propagandas is to create a growing cohesive group which will believe whatever you say, and to foster that cohesiveness through carefully planned and targeted hate campaigns.  That is what is intended by calling everyone who disagrees with leftists “racists”.  You both signal your belonging to the group, and the radical OTHERNESS of the person or people you have labeled Other.

That leftists–particularly leftist academics–claim to have rejected this process is simply evidence of some combination of intrapersonal stupidity, willful hypocrisy, and the cognitive distortions which invariably attend the rejection of principle, in principle, as a heuristic device for coordinating action and behavior.

Long day.  I’ll leave it there.  Thought I should say something though.

Edit: I remembered what I had wanted to say.

If he were truly concerned about the plight of the innocent, about justice, about protecting the weak, Obama could easily find the same statistics I have, and conclude that some national initiative in favor of reforming the police review process might be in order.  That would be the sort of thing a Democrat from another generation might have undertaken.

But this guy, in my view, is mainly concerned with the USE all the confusion and violence can be put to.  HELPING people is simply not something that is even on his radar, except to the extent he can be seen doing so, and use that imagery for further propaganda.

Propaganda, for leftists, is an end in itself.  If conformity is the end, propaganda is the means, which makes it an end.  To BE is to be part of the group, and to be part of the group is to accept what you are told.  Therefore accepting propaganda comes very close to a sense of self outright.  That is the desired end state of aspiring Fascists everywhere, and in important respects they have come very close to realizing that ideal in America.