
The question before the EU

Do you want the financial destiny of your nation controlled by unelected bureaucrats who cannot be convinced that water prevents dehydration?

To be clear, the word “hydrate”, in English, derives from the Greek word for water, and in turn comes from a French word meaning the same thing. So quite literally, and without any obvious means of redressing this insult, the bureaucrats of Brussels have declared, legally, that “de-waterification cannot be cured or prevented by waterification”,in flagrant violation of common sense and the experience of us all.

Do you want these people in charge? You know damn well that political control will follow, since power follows money.

In our own country-far less diverse in many ways than the polyglot EU–we only migrated from the Articles of Confederaion to the Constitution after winning guarantees that a Bill of Rights would be added to protect the States. Nothing like that is being discussed in Europe. It is blatantly obvious that the leftist power mongers are hoping to enact in reality a technocratic, undemocratic State without ever having it put to a vote.

This is what Fabians do: they don’t call what they are doing what it is–they call it something else, push it through, then keep moving.

Just how decadent and tired of freedom are you Europeans? It is an open question.