We have been treating Saudi Arabia as our ally for a long time, and during that time they have been exporting Jihadist ideology continuously.
We may need to ratify the de facto situation in the Ukraine–or for that matter, allow the troops of the two nations to continue to fight–but it is my sense that Russia and the United States share two common enemies: the globalists–who we might roughly conflate with the international bankers who run and benefit from the Central Banks of the world, which all come together in the Bank of International Settlements; and the power elites who rotate among corporate boards, political postings, and academic positions–and the Islamists, who are best represented, in my view, by the Saudis and Iranians.
My sense is that Russia has no compelling reason not to distance itself from Iran, and facilitating that alone would be a major reason to cozy up to Russia. There are economic incentives, but across the board a deal maker like Trump could put something together which would satisfy everyone.
The frenzy we are seeing, the piranhas thrashing in the water, is plainly related, in my view, to a fear on the part of a power elite that for the first time in a generation they won’t get one of their people in office. They hate Putin because he isn’t one of them. He doesn’t want to be in that club. He doesn’t need to be in that club.
Trump, likewise, calls his own shots. He is and always has been a maverick. When he was more or less a Democrat, they loved that about him. Now that he is the candidate of all things they are told are evil, he is erratic and untrustworthy. Possibly true, but we KNOW what Hillary will do, and all of it is bad. She is absolutely trustworthy in that respect.
Billions have been invested creating a nearly hermetically sealed media, and the final touches could likely get done in Hillary’s first four years. Just call Drudge “hate”, and the usual drones will accept it with their usual glass eyed complacency, and you can ban it. Alex Jones would be even easier.
If you think about it, it is really astonishing that things have evolved so much that Jones has become virtually mainstream. He is one of the only people who has chosen to retain his right to say whatever he wants to say, even if some of it is crazy. The thing is: a lot of what he says is not crazy at all.
I can’t imagine even Ted Cruz talking about possible poll rigging. But Trump did. It’s a valid concern, but it would not have been considered polite enough by anyone else, certainly not Bush, who in any event is a member of the Uniparty.
History has seasons. I know that good comes and goes. Evil comes and goes. This evil could last a very long time, but not forever. That is why I wrote my piece on “Perfection” some years ago.
I do fear political prison, torture, but not so much death. I have faced death so many times, that I think I will be ready for it when it comes.
It’s hard to see reasons for hope. This is one election cycle, but over the long haul, our youth are decadent, dependent, needy, stupid, and completely lacking in what was once called “moral fiber”. They are raised with pornography and violent video games, by parents either emotionally detached or overly involved, and marinated in a continual stream of leftist propaganda. What reverses this? I can’t say I know.