
Proper Demand side economics

The end goal, in economic downturns, is to create an appetite on the part of business owners to hire people. They do this when they perceive business opportunity, and it is plainly the case that development and marketing generally precede consumer spending. You cannot indulge a desire you did not know you have to buy Chuy’s Mexican food until you have a Chuy’s restaurant. This is the case even if Barack Obama deposits $10,000 in your personal bank account. You can only spend your money on things which already exist, made or distributed by businesses which already exist. And self evidently, those businesses could not exist if they had not been built, if the money had not first been spent.

The ONLY principle goal of anti-Demand side economics, aka rational, historical economics, or just “economics”, is increasing the desire on the part of business to expand. You do this through incentivization, which means you take less money in taxation, giving them more capital, take less of the profits when they are successful (making risk-taking more lucrative and hence more likely), and made it less of a pain in the ass dealing with asinine government bureaucrats.

The game is psychological and practical. The only salient question is: what policies does government need to pursue–or, to the point, to NOT pursue–in order to build the confidence that builds business and job growth?

American business is sitting on record amounts of cash–all of it represents prospective jobs lost due to the ineptitude and ideological rigidity of our first anti-American President, not coincidentally the first born to a foreign national father, and a mother who chose not to spend her life here.

Tax simplification and regulatory clarity are the only sure signs to return to growth. The leftists are quite correct when they say that if we stay on this course we will get a Depression. What they fail to grasp, or are unwilling to communicate, is that it is THEIR policies which are making this more likely.