

You know, I think the more important question in progress is not how it happens, but what is holding it back. The question is not Why but Why not. Not How, but where to start.

It seems to me most people have oceans of water in them, held back by doubt. They know what to do. They can figure out how to do it. But thought complexes, mental manias, distortions and lies keep this water from flowing.

All that is needed to follow the natural evolution intended for all of us in the direction of the better and more beautiful is to stop stopping.

Take as an example the ghettoes in this country, and their crime and poverty. The question is not why they exist, but rather what is being done that is preventing self organization in the direction of higher and more enjoyable ways of living.

Be a hurricane. Break the levies, and see what is possible. It may astonish you.