William James argued that if religious beliefs support a better life, then for all we know they are true. If no one can say for certain how the world really works, then a set of beliefs which alter people’s behavior in the direction of greater generosity, greater joy, and less violence are good, as we would commonly define it.
The Book of Arnold stops baby fucking and clitorectomies, from what I recall, and something else too I believe. General Butt Fucking Naked becomes a convert, and ceases his violence. This is what Elder Price–who in his heart in this way remains dedicated to serving the greater good–comes to realize. If it takes threatening to unleash the Kraken, so be it.
I don’t think it is overstating the case to sense that both of them must feel some secret admiration for Mormonism, as a practical adaptation to life, as something which works for its adherents, even if many of its beliefs–as they clearly note in the play–are impossible for most of us to accept.
It would not even greatly shock me to learn that both of them take up with some religion later in their lives, although I certainly would not bet on it.
Whatever religion it is will need to encompass within it the humor of South Park, certainly. They will need a God who can stand to be mocked.