
Posted on Facebook.

We need to be clear that the problem is spending and spending will not be controlled until we have a fiscal conservative in the WHITE HOUSE, and until fiscal conservatives control both houses of Congress.  Given this, the goal needs to be winning support in the electorate for fiscal sanity.  At this point, the only way this is going to happen is if we, paradoxically, give the Democrats EVERYTHING they want, and then step back and watch what I believe will be a substantial economic downturn which they will then be unable to blame on anyone but themselves.  This is important.  You people want no new taxes, but you don’t grasp that our borrowing is not $1 trillion a year.  We are borrowing BOTH from the Chinese AND From the future.  From the future–our children–we borrowed $4 TRILLION just last year.  Are you so stupid as to think that blocking an increase from 35% to 39% (I think it is) is going to make any noticeable difference on our net indebtedness?  Of course it won’t.  But it will make it harder in 2014 to get good people elected.  Face the music: you’re not running the show, and until you know nothing substantive will happen.