
Post unlikely to make it through the filter, somewhere on the internet. . .

Response to article by black man essentially saying that blacks are always (uniquely) being picked on, doubting that Brown was guilty, and we whites really just don’t understand black people, mostly because we are stupid and don’t listen. He starts and ends by calling all dissenters bigots.

It may come as a surprise to you, but when you reference
the word “bigot” in both the opening and closing paragraphs, assume your points
are made beyond any possibility of contention, and accuse anyone who disagrees
with you of being “self-righteous”, some people take offense at that.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is racist, and in
fact most whites I observe have reached a point where, after so many years of
the absolutely unanchored, unrestrained, reflexive use of that word to demonize
everyone and stifle rational discussion, that we consider it a species of
attempted bullying.
You are not right because you are black any more than I
am right (or wrong) because I am white. 
It is racist, in the genuine sense of the word, the real sense of the
word, to say otherwise, in my view.
Now, you are a psychologist.  As such, you have received scientific
training.  You KNOW that a few anecdotes
do not amount to a open and shut case. 
Let me offer some statistics:
42% of arrest related deaths were among white people,
and 32% among blacks.  The total number
among all races was nearly 3,000 last year, making Michael Brown a drop in a
bucket.  If I extrapolate, that is some
1,260 white people.
One thing that irks me is this seeming black contention
that bad things ONLY happen to them.  Do
think all of these deaths among whites were justified?  Do you think the mothers and fathers of these
kids cried any less, felt less rage at the system?
And you avoid the question as far as single parenthood.  The simple reality is that poverty does not
create single parenthood.  There have
been strong families throughout human history living in much worse conditions
that the average ghetto or country farm. 
Black girls (and for that matter white girls) who
graduate high school and who marry and stay married to the father of their
first child rise out of poverty, even if that is where they started, very
quickly.  To stay poor, you need intergenerational
single mothers—preferably uneducated–and we both know—and I can demonstrate
demographically—that this is much more common in black homes.
And the children of two parent families avoid nearly all
the bad things associated with single parent homes.  They are less likely to be criminals, high
school dropouts, to get someone pregnant or get pregnant, and to do drugs or
abuse alcohol.  These things are well
And on that note, I would offer my own anecdote: a
friend I went to college with signed up with the LAPD and eventually worked
several years in the South Central Los Angeles. 
He said he saw the same stupid shit day after day after day after
day.  It never let up.  He eventually left because it was making him
cynical and racist.  He started detesting
But it is a matter of clear, empirical fact that blacks
commit nearly all crimes at rates 2-3 times that of white people (the
multiplier is even higher with Asians). 
For violent crimes it is as much as 10x higher:  (Riley is black, by the way).
Are you going to seriously contend that cops be so
inhuman that they completely fail to learn from repeated experience?  Are you going to say that blacks bear NO
RESPONSIBLITY for the experience cops have that they are much more likely than
whites to commit virtually every crime that happens outside Wall Street?
Here is the thing: until the black family is
reconstituted, the pattern of failure we have seen over the past 50 years will
continue.  Poverty will continue, crime
will continue.  Whites will continue to
build themselves communities isolated in all but expressed verbal intent. Put
another way: they won’t admit what they are doing, but they will do it anyway.  Ferguson is black because the whites moved
out.  It’s illegal for Real Estate Agents
to mention race, but do you seriously think they need to? 
And you can’t blame them.  Who wants to live in a high crime
neighborhood?  I’ve done it.  I was scared every day I or my wife would be
attacked.  I heard a guy get shot.  Another kid got shot a block from my
apartment.  Another kid got shot outside
the movie theater.  I had to hide all
change and everything of value in my truck, and put a club on it, lest it get
stolen.   In that area, that year,
roughly 15 cars were stolen in roughly a 10×10 square block area a month.
No doubt your own work is useful, but can you seriously
claim that you can affect more than perhaps a few hundred lives in the next
five years?  The problem is nationwide,
and affects many millions.  By and large
the kids who are going to be trouble, are on that path by age 10 or so, in my
own estimation.

I readily grant the conditions of our ghettos are
appalling, as are the lives of many who live in them.  But this is not White America’s fault.  We have bent over backwards trying to help,
and many of us are suffering severe compassion fatigue.