
Post on Trump

Posted on Facebook.  Since I am seeing a lot of craziness on this topic, I thought I would share, even if this is not where my focus is at the moment, where it has been, or where it is likely to be.  
As I see it, the only possible match ups in November are Trump and Cruz versus Hillary or (if she is arrested) Bernie. Hillary has a billion dollar war chest and the support of 95% of the media outlets in the country. Cruz is a very religious social conservative whose father has put out a long series of embarrassing videos which will get massive air play if he does by some miracle get the nod. Cruz does not have Trump’s war chest, or proven track record of dealing well with left wing attacks. He is not electable. This means that our choices are likely Trump or Hillary. As of this moment, Trump has spent virtually nothing on attack ads, but he can match and even exceed Hillary in campaign spending. We can expect him to be blunt and to speak obvious but politically incorrect truths in the debates. Hillary is weak, but if it were Romney or McCain facing her, I would bet on her. With Trump, I would bet on him. He will say what needs to be said.
If Hillary wins, she will go through the last phase of completely eradicating our southern border, and legalize some 15 million people who will immediately begin competing legally for American jobs, depress wages where they do not take jobs, and who she can accurately assume will almost all reliably vote Democrat, leading to a sea change highly unfavorable to Republicans, and irreversible by any possible change I see in the future.
If Trump wins, he will reverse this. In one scenario things get much worse. In the other, much better.
Many of you don’t trust him. Is the uncertainly that he will do what he says he will do somehow more odious to you than the certainty that Hillary will throw us under the bus? Possible bad versus guaranteed bad?
Politics is the art of the possible. It is not the art of wishful thinking, and “if only”, and “the world needs to know I am unhappy”. I wanted Ron Paul, then Rand Paul. I’m not getting what I want. If you refuse to choose the lesser of two evils, then you are choosing the greater of two evils. There is no other way to look at it, in my opinion, even if in some other world than the one we live in there would be. Many people refuse to accept life as it is. This is always a possibility. But there is nothing good or admirable in this.