Like many, I am reading now that Twitter has gone overtly partisan, which is to say post-bipartisan, which is to say they have evolved beyond the willingness to pretend they are not congenitally intolerant, small-minded, bigoted, and very, very angry. We see the claim they are protecting Political Correctness.
But why not call it what it is? Politically inconvenient. Political Correctness, as much as we might vilify it, still has the word correct in it, just as “progressive” still sounds good. You will not hear me use the word progressive, and as of this moment, I am going to call partisans of PC either anti-free speech zealots, or people attempting to suppress the politically inconvenient.
The whole point of free speech is that it becomes possible for good ideas, in a large mass of competing ideas, to achieve ascendancy because they are superior. This does not always happen, obviously, but typically the principle obstacles are not human stupidity and obstinacy, but the suppression of competing ideas. So-called conservative ideas–which I would argue are the actually Progressive, Liberal, ones, which work to build actual Social Justice–are better than those of the Left. This is why they suppress them. No sane person can long defend the abuses of the past, those of the present, and those clearly planned for the future. You cannot defend them morally, politically, socially, philosophically, or practically. Everything they touch, speaking nearly generally, they darken, worsen, stain, and degrade.
Me, I have taken pains over long periods of time to enter into these worlds, to interact with these people, to debate them, to compare world views, to compete with them intellectually. And it always ends in my getting banned, censored, banished, suppressed, silenced. Some of these people would no doubt be gratified to hear I had been dragged off and shot. I am evil because I disagree with them, and they have self appointed themselves the Apostles of Everything Good.
So: PC no more. It is regrettable, but I cannot use Twitter less.