
Political Psychology

It seems to me a fundamental aspect of the conditioning that surrounds school-grown leftists is teaching that the world is a dangerous place, and that Democrats or Socialists have the solutions. You cultivate generalized anxiety, first, then say you have the solution.

Now this anxiety is first about the idea that someone, somewhere, may be imperfectly clothed or fed. This is, of course, always the case. You talk about nuclear weapons in ways which ignore their role in preventing war, and only discuss the fact that if they were used, terrible things would happen. You talk about how some people are rich, and others are poor. You ignore how this comes to be, or what the historical consequences of trying to change this have been, or what the process has been by which they won the time to worry about things like that.

You have Pollution, of which the Global Warming fraud is just the most obvious example. You can even add the idea that other countries don’t like us. We aren’t hip.

Through pervasive generalities like this, you cultivate a climate of dissatisfaction, of discontentment, that you are careful never to counter-balance with positive narratives about the accomplishments of America, our history of at least trying to guide our behavior with principles, and of course proposed, concrete solutions to the problems.

Solutions, that is to say, which are not implemented by the government. What you will be taught is that those who say they want to solve these problems are to be trusted; and those who say they will resolve themselves, don’t exist in the first place (global warming), or can best be solved at the State and local level, are not to be trusted.

Democrats, then, are the ones who are trying to fix the world. Anyone who opposes them (Republicans) is of course evil for that reason. This is the propaganda meme in place.

That this argument is fallacious would only become obvious to someone who evolved past being a generic person, which in our Nanny State is decreasingly common.