What serves their cause needs to be front page, and what hurts it or at least does not advance it, needs to be concealed and overshadowed by other news, where necessary by other manufactured news. Chomsky’s “Manufacture of Consent”, is, by and large, an example of itself. This is not to say, though, that we are not being lied to by many people, for many reasons, and that this has not been going on pretty much “the whole time”. Go back as far as you like.
At the moment, it is mainly the Communists–the globalists, the elites who use both parties to push us towards tyranny–who concern me.
[On that note, I would actually comment that Communism, itself, is just one more narrative leading to power. It should never be viewed as other than a useful lie told by psychopaths to useful idiots.]
The present Communist output in cities around the country is planned. This seems a reasonable hypothesis, and if we have any intact intelligence agencies working for America the Constitutional Republic–that historical entity which in theory and largely in practice values human rights, dignity, freedom, transparency, limited government, and accountability–they will KNOW who is coordinating much of this. They are using cell phones, email. They are not doing 100% of their communication by courier and face to face.
But what needs to be REMEMBERED is that much our country is still under lockdown. Something which has never been done to my knowledge by any nation in world history is being done to the American people. California is still shut down for everything but nihilistic and violent protests. So, too, I think, with Illinois, New York, and others.
This is the background. Don’t forget the background. Respond to the calls for “racial justice” by asking that we start by allowing black people to WORK the jobs they HAD until the GOVERNMENT PUT THEM OUT OF WORK. After that, we can talk. But until then, the focus needs to be on abuses by the government, in the name of a disease which has clearly passed, and which in any event never exceeded the lethality of diseases we have endured before, like the Hong Kong Flu, and which never even APPROACHED, not even close, the lethality of the Post World War One Flu.
We are dealing with magicians, masters of optics, of illusion, of skillful and quickly and professionally executed lies. Watch their hands, not their eyes. When they want you to look at one thing, look at literally anything else, scanning for what they are trying to hide.
Always, always always look for what should be in the headlines, but isn’t. One obvious example: the massive wave of new infections in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas and elsewhere that hasn’t happened.
With regard to Texas, they got a small nod. 2,500 new hospitalizations since Memorial Day or something like that.
What is NOT being reported there? They had some bad news, right?
Well, there are nearly 29 MILLION people in Texas. About 190,000 die every year.
This works out to almost 16,000 a MONTH. 2,500 hospitalizations, with perhaps a 10% death rate among those hospitalized, is a rounding error.
Let me repeat myself; ALWAYS ask yourself what could be reported, but isn’t being reported. That is how you find what they are trying to hide. It takes work and thought, but if you’re going to try and have an opinion that makes sense, you NEED TO DO THE WORK.
Don’t ask one of these fucking assholes to do it for you. They will, but what you will get is shit soup served with a smile.