
Panem et Circenses

When our economy collapses in the Greek fashion because of our prodigious debt–or when we are exposed to an EMP we have done nothing to mitigate the effects of–what will we tell our children?

That we all fought to support Caitlyn Jenner?

That we all opposed the public display of a flag that has been on continuous display for 150 years?

That we fought to oppose Global Warming because we were told to do so?

That we religiously fought micro-aggressions, and punished severely all transgressions?

That we exulted when gays were delivered the right to marry in all 50 States?

That we opposed all “racist” acts and language, while complacently doing NOTHING to ease the actual plight of urban blacks? That we were quite content to substitute symbol for concrete and effective action?

We live in a world of carefully calculated delusion, of sophistry, of deliberate distraction and falsehood.

Who among you is ready to say this?  Certainly, the conservative backlash against Obama’s ridiculousness is large and will endure, but what can we the people do when led by cowards?

We have had ample warning.  But not enough people read history.  We have been conditioned to believe that what is important is on the evening news, and that no large and important issues remain unexplored; that we are being told the whole and important truths.

Nothing could be farther from the case.

Wake up.  I choose to believe it is not too late.