
The Ubu Roi protests

There was a time in my life when I had an avid interest in Surrealism, Dada, and general artistic culture of Europe from about 1880 to 1930 or so. One of the figures in this scene was the author Alfred Jarry. Jarry was a Frenchman who was somewhere between eccentric and insane, and who created a character, Ubu Roi, who was so grotesque and strange that it seemingly left a permanent mark on the Parisian literary scene.

As described in Wikipedia

“The central character is notorious for his infantile engagement with his world,” wrote Jane Taylor. “Ubu inhabits a domain of greedy self-gratification.” Jarry’s metaphor for the modern man, he is an antihero — fat, ugly, vulgar, gluttonous, grandiose, dishonest, stupid, jejune, voracious, cruel, cowardly and evil.”

I think we might rightly think that the protestors in New York and other places view “Corporate America” as possessing all those traits.

Here is a picture, by George Grosz–who could very plausibly be viewed as an intellectual heir to the Ubu tradition (I saw Pro-Ubu graffiti when I was in Oxford)–which I think shows the rough images these people have in mind:

And yet, the quoted commentator goes on to say something interesting:

There is,” wrote Taylor, “a particular kind of pleasure for an audience watching these infantile attacks. Part of the satisfaction arises from the fact that in the burlesque mode which Jarry invents, there is no place for consequence. While Ubu may be relentless in his political aspirations, and brutal in his personal relations, he apparently has no measurable effect upon those who inhabit the farcical world which he creates around himself. He thus acts out our most childish rages and desires, in which we seek to gratify ourselves at all cost.”[5] The derived adjective “ubuesque” is recurrent in French and francophone political debate.

These protests are Ubuesque. They amount to the big idea that sitting around in public places annoying people is going to create jobs, create purpose, end war, alter our financial system, enable them to more easily get someone else to pay for the excellent healthcare they receive, and generally make it so life serves them warm milk and cookies and night and tucks them in with a goodnight kiss.

There is anger here, clearly. These people hate wealth, at the very time they are camping out to get more of it. They hate people who create wealth, but their plan, again, to get some is not to invent something, not to start a business, not to work hard at their job and get promoted, and not to work to support policies that encourage job creation. No: their plan is to WHINE and be really ANNOYING so that the world will come calling on them.

What I think needs to be seen here is that this does not represent strength, but weakness. They are doing this precisely BECAUSE they know they and theirs are losing the support of the American people. They had the dream candidate, who privately told them he believed everything they did, and shared their goals. But political necessity has forced him into a boatload of compromise, and ramming the big stuff through the way he did set off a powderkeg.

We need to be clear: these protests are INTENDED to amount to extortion, even though the plan is to use every useful idiot who floats in. They are undertaken with NO PLAN and no consideration of consequence. In this, too, they are ubuesque.

They are trying to destroy companies that employ thousands of people who will then be unemployed if they are successful. They are blocking the way to work for those people who do have jobs, and many of whom now have to add them to their list of daily stresses.

These protests help no one, EXCEPT the impotent ideologues who want to push policies in their direction without going through the futile effort of defending idiotic and counterproductive policies. And they will, in all likelihood, actually cause increasingly strong backlash against adults acting like pouting children in public, DEMANDING things, but not offering in the slightest to contribute.

But that, too, is not the point. What is the point? A FEELING. They are no doubt getting that. For my part, I think these protests are going to help the conservative cause immensely. When things are chaotic, you do not go to people like Barack Obama. You vote for the guy who is seemingly pictured every time in front of a gun rack.

Editorial comment: this does not quite get to what I wanted to say. I am tired, and have work to do. I’ll add a bit more, but this still isn’t quite it:

The emotional context I wanted to convey is one of functional nihilism. These people believe nothing, and so theater becomes their sustaining ritual. When you have no soul, you must become an actor, lest you be discovered. The nice thing about leftism is that it is always over the horizon, and if it is implemented, all the failures are concealed. It is in actuality a doctrine of horror, but while on the stage the pretending can continue forever, if one is so inclined. That is why we still have Communists.


Special snowflake

If you had to choose between having “I am a special snowflake”, and “I am NOT a special snowflake” tattooed on your forehead, what would you choose? This is an interesting question. For my part, I like to tell people to pursue their own individuality. I try to do the same myself. Yet, this morning, when the alarm clock went off, I realized I am NOT a special snowflake, and I have to go do work I don’t really want to do, because I need the money.

You both are and are NOT a special snowflake. This is akin, if one wants to pursue high levels of abstraction, to the wave/particle duality. Is matter one or the other? Yes. Are you special and like everyone else? Yes.



We are in a turbulence zone. Where “Communism by the drink” was advancing steadily, the flares are up, and the people who care enough about the difference between right and wrong to work to understand their world can see clearly enough the enemies. They are those who reject in principle the possibility of personal growth, the desirability of personal freedom, the possibility of God, and in the end the desirability of life itself. They sustain themselves, like vampires, in the hope of damaging others.

This conflict will not last. Our opponents have nothing creative to offer. They solve no problems: they fix no marriages; they heal no unhealthy homes; they do not create jobs; they provide no sustainable sense of meaning; they do not promote peace with dignity; they do not promote prosperity; they do not foster useful dialogue on important issues; they do not coexist with cultural others in peace.

All that needs to happen to reverse their gains is LIGHT. The counterattack will consist in daily working to achieve coherent understandings of all parts of the issues that confront us, and communicate them to others. Do not accept in silence those working to sow lies without asking them to justify those lies in the face of plainly available facts. They will not be able to do it.

What I think ordinary, working Americans of common sense and good will need to begin EXPECTING is a better nation. We can solve all our problems. We can survive into the 22nd century and beyond. There is no compelling reason to doubt this. Let us being working as if this is an inevitable outcome.



Now, there’s a word you don’t see much any more. Don’t you KNOW that nobody is perfect, and that most people who do “good” things are only considered good because they are on our side? Don’t you know that depth psychology relegates ALL action to very simple outgrowths of primal hormonal and instinctual processes? The knights save the ladies because they want to IMPREGNATE them. The lance is obviously a phallic symbol, and the armor symbolic of emotional detachment. As Foucault notes. . . blah, blah blah something in French.

Mercifully, I will let that person stay talking in his or her own universe. What I think it is most USEFUL to think, and which is not contradicted by any empirical evidence of which I am aware, is that we possess the power to focus our awareness. We can ignore or indulge our sexual instinct. We can engage in greed, or abstain from greed. We can grow in subtle ways, and we can DECAY in subtle ways. To reject the possibility of growth is to build a cage for yourself, then complain about it. From my perspective–the outside of many such cages–this is a really ridiculous combination of idiocy and farce.

I see people limit themselves. They say “I will go so far, and no further”. This is the value of the hero. He walks up to the line, then says “Hey, watch THIS”, disappears for a time in the darkness, and comes back with a rooster. Roosters are useful. Why a rooster? Why NOT a rooster?

Need he be perfect to cross that line? Of course not. He is merely pointing out a path that can be followed.

As I am slowly, in this granite-like brain of mine, coming to realize: we are meant for growth. Growth is our natural tendency, if not acted on by outside forces. Social institutions can do that. Government can do that. Fear, of course, can do that, and is the principle culprit.

As I say from time to time, this blog likely appears revelatory at times–and certainly I may be letting slip things I hadn’t intended to–but it is certainly not intended to be a “Daily Me”, which is what I very definitely did NOT want to create. I don’t Twitter and never will. My work on Facebook is mainly posting political stuff, although the occasional slice of life does appear as well.

I will offer this, though, in a spirit of discovery, of possibly eroding just a little bit of someones current limits somewhere:

I like to fantasize myself as a spiritual soldier, who reincarnates over and over. I like to imagine myself as a paratrooper, who looks for the darkest spot on the map and drops straight in, knowing full well it will be hell, and that he will be utterly alone for a long time. Hold the line. That is the mantra, and it is a good one.

I imagine myself meeting a bad end most of the time. I have probably been stewed and eaten, hacked to pieces, crucified, starved, stoned, tortured to death, sodomized, and spend decades in painful prisons. Perhaps because of a chickenpox scar in the middle of my forehead, I think last time I might have been shot in the forehead–executed. I have been vilified by large crowds, hated, spit on, ostracized, abandoned.

Yet, none of this fazes me. It’s what I do. That is the job of the soldier: to keep going. One of my favorite movies, now, is Battle: Los Angeles. I love Aaron Eckhart’s First Sergeant, and if I were in the military, that’s who I would strive to be: the man who does what needs to be done because it needs to be done.

This is not a melancholy that causes this post, but actually a sense of fullness and strength. I feel good.

Can we not posit on some level that our soul knows the difference between physical suffering and spiritual suffering, and that the former is so insignificant across vast spans of time that it can be ignored for all practical purposes, even in great quantities?

I will let you into my room. It feels right. On my front wall, I have a ram’s horn that I blow whenever I move into a new place. I have lived many places, and got into that habit some time ago. It just feels right.

On each of the four walls I have one of the Four Dignities (scroll down a bit) of the Tibetans.

Over my bed I have a makeshift airplane made by one of my children at an early age that I thought was quite clever.

When I wake, I have pictures of a veteran of two 1,000 dayKaihogyos, Tarthang Tulku, and Jack Schwarz.

I have no silly ideas that these men are perfect. They merely represent paths that I can follow, and which in my own undisciplined way I do try to follow.

I have my plan to save the world in six steps (reform financial system, create credible alternative to moral relativism in a post-religious context, invent machine to talk with ghosts, cure cancer [I do actually have actionable ideas on this], start a church, and build a better psychotherapy), my goals for this year, and last, but not least, a ridiculous, stupidly naive, idealistic, hopelessly romantic poem that I love. I’ll leave you with that:

The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I’ll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star



Conspiracy to commit theater. Phrase just popped in my head, and I liked it, and am avoiding difficult work.

Back to it. If anyone out there wants to hire a professional blogger, let me know. I’m all for hiring me.



The word “racist” has come to have the same death appeal as “counterrevolutionary” did in revolutionary France, or its ideological child, the Soviet Union.

When you say “racist”, you have cast–or attempted to cast–that person from civilized society, without trial. To be accused in a conformitarian society of non-conformity is to be guilty. The accusation alone is sufficient.

When everyone orients on everyone, like a mutable pack of fish, everyone must turn at the same time, or their order–based upon perfect obeisance to the “General Will”, which is to say to whatever everyone else is doing–will evaporate, and it will become clear that no actual principle guides the thing at all.

I used to be a big fan of the French literary critic and theorist Rene Girard. He talks often about the mimetic–imitative–nature of much human behavior. If you look at old, traditional societies, everyone has their role, and if they don’t play their role, they are ostracized.

Where Western Civilization differs, and the reason it is dominant across the planet, is that we developed the social capacity to build behavior on PRINCIPLE, which can and should be deployed differently in different circumstances. We redeployed the nexus of perception and control from the habits of our ancestors, as passed on to us by our parents and grandparents, to our own interpretation of the principles they passed on to us, which could and did lead to many innovations in behavior and technology.

When the sharp knives come out at the mere mention of someone DIFFERENT–or, to the point, ACCUSED of being different–then this is atavistic. This is a return to the ethos of the literal lynch mob where, as an example, a black man had only to be ACCUSED of something to get the presumption of guilt.

So many supposedly educated people play these games. Rather than seek first to determine the facts of a matter, they go with their gut instinct–the herd instinct, the imitative reciprocity with people likewise doing no actual thinking–which is absolutely contrary to the best elements in our heritage.

Bigotry and prejudice are easy enough. They are shown daily be the Left. What is hard is transcending them in a principled way. This can only be done through the honest application of reason.

Since the broader context should be obvious enough, let me speculate with what is likely something close to the truth how Perry approached this hunting ground.

It is likely true that he had the rock painted over immediately. He presumably had early on political ambitions, and that is just bad politics. Since this thing is in the middle of nowhere, they just put one coat on and forgot about it.

As he drove new people in, they would pass the rock, and someone would say: “It looks like there’s something printed on that rock.” Perry would reply: “Yes, some dumbass named this area “Niggerhead”. I don’t know what the hell was going through his head. We painted it over, because it will sure as hell piss somebody off some day. I hope we get some rabbits today. . .”

Perry is, as I understand, in his third term as Texas Governor. No charges of racism have EVER been levied at him, to the extent of my knowledge. The case for the anti-Semitism and anti-white racism of Barack Obama is much, much stronger than any case for Perry. Obama sat weekly in a church for years and years where white people were specifically and viciously assaulted constantly. Wright is friends with Louis Farrakhan, who is also one of the nastiest racists out there.

Americans: do you deserve freedom? Do you? If you believe so, then learn to think.


Perry’s Hunting Lodge

There can be no serious argument that there has historically been a lot of real racism down in the South. Just look back to the tremendous energy and zeal southern Democrats exerted to prevent the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960’s. Look to the people who served long periods of time from southern States, like Robert Byrd, who had even been members of the actual KKK.

Thus, that there would be expressions of racism down there is unsurprising. That someone would be expected to answer for the statements of others, though, is. Should I be held to account for what my uncle has to say about something, if I do not immediately disown him? Can I not find something distasteful, work to end it, and not be treated as if I endorsed it?

Self evidently, race baiting will be a big part of Obama’s reelection strategy, since it was a big part of his ELECTION strategy. I myself was called a racist for simply not liking him as a candidate or person. I would have felt the same way about Hillary, although many of my concerns would have been much reduced since we at least know who she is, and what she actually believes.

There will no doubt be a lot of “he said/she said” in the coming weeks, but one can hope that in the end the continued viability of America as a sovereign nation will be found by most to be more important than, worst case, having been insufficiently indignant at the actions of some other person in some godforsaken back corner of the largest State in the Continental US.



You will rarely see me use this work, but that’s what this blog is: a waterway for moving my excess energy downriver. Love is not “virtue”, it is an OUTCOME. You cannot command “thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself”. This is not on a par with the Ten Commandments. You can command “thou shalt not steal”, or “thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain”. But you cannot say “thou shalt feel happy to be alive next Tuesday, Skippy, because I said so”.

What happens when you do that? People FAKE it, if they are not already sufficiently advanced to generate those emotional states. This is counterproductive. How on earth have wars been fought by adherents of a religion supposedly based on love? Either abandon the religion or the war, but you can’t have both. As I have said, “Christianity” likely would have been more useful preserved as an esoteric sect, or having served its purpose then been abandoned before decay, like a Tibetan butter sculpture.

Wars are plainly needed at time, but not those of the sort fought for most of human history. Most of those have been one set of sons of bitches taking over the land and women of some other set of sons of bitches. Often, it’s hard to feel too much sorrow for either side.

Rightly or wrongly, I congentically seem to feel more pity in such conflicts for women. Women in most cultures are undefined on their own. Even in our own, it is common enough for women to keep their married name even when they get divorced. This is a strange practice, but women seem much more adaptable and emotionally strong than most men. They deal in ambiguity and emotional flux much better than most men. They seem to suffer more, but be better able to do it. That they seem to develop stronger spiritualities in turn, seems an almost inevitable outcome of this seemingly innate propensity.

I dream a fair amount. Some nights see no dreams, but normally if I have them they are emotionally resonant. I have fought, and defeated, Voldemort on several occasions in the last month alone. That he would pop into dreams as a symbol of evil shows the brilliance both of Rowlings idea, and its cinematic rendering by Ralph Fiennes, his costumers, his directors, and script writers.

Last night, I befriended a 15 year old runaway girl, who had a beautiful spirit, even though she plainly had seen some terrors. She had run away to be with her boyfriend, who had then abandoned her. In the end, her experiment on her own was unsuccessful, and she asked me to return her to her father, who was a cruel Muslim, and who, out of my vision, savagely beat her to death for having had a boyfriend. This was deeply painful to me. At the same time, there was so much love in her I felt gifted to have met her. That sentiment is the source of this post.

One could, I suppose, psychoanalyze this, but as I process these things, I feel I am being granted visions of other people and cultures. Any culture which systematically abuses women as much as Islam can only be called cursed. Any man who engages in this sort of thing will not go to heaven: most of them will go to some lower level of hell.

Why was it wrong for Muhammad to marry a 7 year old, and deflower/rape her when she was 9? Because it betrays a fundamental lack of emotional development. Why is it so important that a woman be a virgin–to MEN–that they consider it acceptable to emotionally abuse small children, who are not ready for such things? This cannot be seen as other than a power relationship, and the seeking of power over others as an end in itself is, as I have often argued, a principle symptom of evil.

Oh, so many of the Earths’ problems can be solved. Islam would self reform if allowed to, which is why the fanatics fight so hard for a construction of the religion that never existed. Most people born on this earth are not hard and cruel. They are taught this, and any system of thought or social habit that teaches this is wrong.


Optimism, part two

I have been feeling for some months now that some corner has been turned, some existential threat has been mitigated; and not just in the United States, but worldwide. What was once going to be, is now not going to be.

Speaking in concrete specifics, it appears the reaction against Obama–and this is not a “reaction” in the sense of landed class interests reacting, but rather the very middle class Obama appeals to rhetorically–has been become self sustaining. For all those people who fought long and hard to introduce some common sense into the American political landscape–David Horowitz is the one with the longest history, but obviously this would include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Michael Medved, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter and many others–the effort is finally bearing widespread fruit. Conservative ideas–Liberal ideas, in my construction–are not just resonating with angry old white men. They are resonating across the political landscape because they are TRUE, and this now MATTERS. The time is over for pie-eyed experimentation.

FDR had Hoover to blame, in order to get all his silly ideas implemented, generating a much longer downturn than was necessary. Plainly, Hoover was President when the Great Depression began, even though it was clearly the actions of the Fed that caused it. For his part, Hoover began the New Deal, but got no credit for it. This allowed FDR, in combination with corruption of a sort that would make even the Obama Administration look saintly, to get his four elections.

For my part, I cannot say how much effect I have had, but I can speak to the amount of work I have done, and it is prodigious. Thousands and thousands of pages, easily.

I am tired. I look at all this new found enthusiasm–for history, for grasping what Communism was and is, for understanding how economics actually works–very gratifying. I am not sure I was ever needed, but I feel much less desire to spend as much time putting ideas out there on a daily basis as I once did.

I am far too wordy to stop blogging, but I think I am going to try and redirect that voice in a more focused direction, that of my book on finance. I am currently reading a book on the IMF. Typically, if I read a book or two, spend some time smoking and thinking, I have what I need, or think I need.

After this, I have many other projects.

Net, I may start posting a bit less, but I’m still busy. I can’t help it.

It’s funny, too: I look at the silence that follows virtually all of my posts, and it feels like the silence that comes with new snow in the frozen north. I like it, and can’t say why.

When a couple of weeks drop on me at once, and I get tired, irritable, and stressed, I always emerge in the end smiling and singing country songs. Circumstances can push down on me, but they can’t break me.

Life is good. May you be well.

And I’ll probably add a postscript five minutes from now!!!!



I am guardedly optimistic about our future. I don’t expect anything like my financial plan to get implemented, but the mere fact that options exist prevents the imposition of an either/or scenario in the event of severe financial trouble. This reduces the options of the power elite who no doubt do largely influence events, if to a smaller degree than they would like, and to a lesser degree than the more conspiratorially minded assume.

I like to cook, and have made some good Hollandaise sauces, and some bad ones. If you heat things too quickly, the eggs curdle and the sauce breaks. Once it has broken, it is practically impossible to get it back to the status quo ante.

Whoever these power brokers actually are, they tried to do too much with Barack Obama. The man is a walking farce, a third rate intellect, with the moral compass of a Chicago gangster. He is no Mussollini or Lenin, or Hitler, all of whom–whatever else you say about them–were talented, cunning men. It is not enough and never has been enough to be whispering words in his ear. We are being “led” by a cardboard cutout with a speaker behind it.

People see this. It can’t be hidden. You can’t justify $125 billion in monthly borrowing. You can’t pass landscape altering bills, which will effect the lives of nearly every American, without reading the damn thing.

Obama is through. More than that, what he represents is through. The little lies, the “Communism by the drink” of the Democrats is just not playing in Peoria any more. Most Americans are wide awake and hopping mad, and this sentiment is only being inflamed by Obama’s continued efforts to insult our intelligence. He doesn’t get this, but he has never gotten much of anything.

More generally, the strategists, so used to lying with skill, have been slow coming to the realization that things really are different this time. This is not the Reagan Revolution. The fight this time is existential, and the prize this time the continued viability of the American experiment. We are going to the right, hard, and this motion will have the power of tsunami. 2010 was just the start. Everywhere I go I see post after post after post of informed outrage, of people making cases that were few and far between just 3 years ago. I often felt lonely then, but now I go many places and find I have nothing to add. This is a wonderful thing.

We do not need to revert to the Middle Ages to survive. This was, is and will always be nothing but a thinly veiled exercise in sadism, of psychological distortion, and moral depravity.