
Gold: two points

One: buying gold is short selling the dollar. There is no other way to look at it, in my view. Had you bought a ton of gold in 1812, you would have lost a third of your money in the last two centuries. Had you put it in the stock market, you would have realized at least a tenfold increase in constant dollars, and likely much more.

These rough stats are from Thomas Sowell’s “Basic Economics”, which is excellent in everything but his treatment of the Fed. He understands it, and fractional reserve banking, but does not connect the dots. This is a persistent failure across the board with all economists not willing to endure being called cranks.

Two: when we were on the fractional reserve gold standard, our government bought the gold, did it not? We the People bought the gold, either through the allocation of taxes, or through the Federal Reserve creating money for the purpose, and hence taxing us indirectly through inflation.

This gold, then, belongs to Us. When is some Senator or other elected official going to have the balls to ask what happened to it? Nixon just ended the tenuous gold standard we have been on since Bretton Woods, but did not speak as to what was going to be done with the gold.

Why can’t we sell it on the open market to defray our debts? This is literally a trillion dollar question. Who has the balls to ask it besides me?

If we start down this path, I think everyone knows a stinking can of worms will get opened, but it is one that NEEDS to get opened.


The Fed

When we see that Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks are donating to both the Romney and Obama campaigns, what we need to read is that the FED is donating to these campaigns.

Most people do not understand that the Fed is a private corporation, whose stocks are (or were: we have no way of knowing) sold on an invitation basis only to banks on an Approved list. It is a corporation that operates to the benefit of the shareholders, which is to say the banks comprising it.

The exact membership is secret. Even though the Fed controls our money supply, and thus the value of our money, and the value of our work and production, we know next to nothing about it. This is farcical.

What is clear, though, is that they are perfectly fine with either Obama or Romney. They are also, therefore, with the United States continuing to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars every month. After all, they are the ones doing much of the loaning, generally with created money.

As I think about it, when you create money, if you loan it to banks, it is inflationary. This because the banks loan out 90% of it, then 81% of it, and so on. If you want to make big money without creating inflation, you need some entity that can suck it up and use it. That entity is the United States Government.

Effectively, then, money is being transferred from the taxpayer, via the Fed, to the government, in the form of eventual, if mild, inflation, and the member banks of the Fed are making large amounts of money on this process.

I may be in error on this, but I suspect the reality is close to this.

More generally, I would like to offer the definition of the Fed as: a private corporation consisting of large banks, which is operated by and for the benefit of the banks, and whose principle activity is transferring wealth from American citizens to itself on an as-needed basis.

Think about this with me. When the Fed uses its Open Market buying power to create money, it adds to the money supply. This is inflationary, and thus constitutes a wealth transfer. When it uses the Discount Window to create money, it underwrites the process of fractional reserve banking, which itself is inflationary, and thus constitutes wealth transfer.

It is a Goebbelsian triumph of these nearly infinitely rich banks that they have kept up this fraud for nearly 100 years. All of us are the poorer for it.


Gas Prices

It is stupid to blame Obama for today’s gas prices. It will, however, be unavoidable blaming him for prices once we reach a point where the Keystone pipeline–which is entirely funded by private enterprise–would have been built.

Most people have short memories. I don’t.

Edit: as I note on the side there, I reserve the right to challenge and change my own opinions. As I saw noted elsewhere, Obama has in fact put a stop to all domestic oil exploration. This cannot but have had an effect on oil production, and hence supply, and hence price.

Frankly, if the entirety of Alaska fell into the ocean tomorrow, I would spend the rest of my life in ignorance of this fact, outside of news reports. I don’t care about the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. It is a blizzard blasted, end of the world nothing-land, which we can and should use to ease oil prices.

As far as memory, apparently I forgot what I forgot. I need to try to remember that this happens.


Ron Paul Third Party Run

It seems to me that if no major member of our political establishment is willing to address our out of control spending in a substantive–or even meaningful–way, that Ron Paul ought to give serious thought to a third party bid.

Logistically, of course, you lose the support of a party apparatus with long experience. Regretably, though, that experience is not in the political expression of principle, but rather in getting people elected who have a certain letter next to their name, and about whom we can infer little else.

The history of third party bids is not good. Perot, arguably, gave Clinton the Presidency, as Teddy Roosevelt certainly gave Wilson the presidency (only one Democrat having been elected otherwise since Abraham Lincoln, the Democrats having been blamed for the Civil War, which was of course a valid claim).

Yet, the history of financial disasters is not one of gradual declines from top to bottom. Rather, a tipping point is reached in which an apparently steady state, stable situation, suddenly tips over. Other than the people who consciously cause such events, no one can predict when they may happen. What we can certainly say is “WE ARE VULNERABLE”. We have points in which attack is possible, and thus at some point likely.

Only Ron Paul has the integrity to acknowledge the fact that we cannot continue to borrow trillions a year, and that increases in taxes do nothing but validate the enormous expansion of our government that has happened under Bush and Obama. We spend $2 trillion a year in Clinton’s last year. Obama this year wants to spend some $3.5 trillion. This is not a problem of undertaxation, but rather vastly excessive spending.

There is no correllation between GDP and government. The second need not expand pari passu with the first. It is always a false correllation when people try to explain away spending as a percentage of GDP. The fact of the matter is that every time the government grows, our freedoms shrink. This is inevitable, since all the bureaucrats hired with our money have to find something to do, or they are out of cushy jobs with fantastic benefits.

In my view, it would be a huge mistake for him to run as a Libertarian. Most people–which I will here define as me, with the perhaps overly presumptive assumption that this belief is shared widely–view Libertarians as either hippies upset that marijuana is illegal, or Ayn Rand zealots who have read Atlas Shrugged ten times and memorized large sections of the dialogue.

Something like the “Save America” Party, or Fiscal Sanity Party, or something on those lines would be good. It would be interesting to see that if he brought out a sizable following, if he would be invited to debates. I suspect not, but TV is not the only medium for the communication of information.

It really does seem to me we are being asked to choose the pace of our failure, and ignored entirely as to whether or not that is the outcome we want. Our problems are solvable and preventable. That so few are working with integrity to protect us does nothing to change this obvious fact.


Vlad Putin, Narcissism, and the public sphere

When I saw Putin crying when he won, the only thing I could think of was Sally Fields also crying, and saying “you like me” in her Oscar acceptance speech.

Look at this man, who misses no chance to show the world how wonderful he is. He is in my view a clinical narcissist. He is someone who quite literally lacks the emotional ability to differentiate his own well being from that of the country as a whole. He assumes that what is good for him, what makes him feel good, powerful, whole, must perforce be good for Russia.

This basic dynamic, I increasingly believe, is ubiquitous in our public sphere. Lenin was a narcissist, as were Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot. FDR was, as was Kennedy, and as likely is Bill Clinton, and categorically beyond any possibility of doubt Barack Obama.

Such people seek power because they need attention, or what some psychologists call “narcissistic supply”.

Last night I dreamed of meeting Oprah. She said “glad to meet you”, and I responded “glad to meet you also”. She said “you don’t mean that”, which was true, as I am not a fan, but I responded honestly “that is half true”, but that was not good enough for her, and she showed me the door.

She is not the sort of person who can suffer half acceptance. If you are not fully in the thrall of admiration for her, she doesn’t want you around. She needs to be “loved”–I put it into quotation marks, for the reason that narcissists, lacking a self, are not able to receive or grant actual love–just as does Putin. In Putin’s case, being a man, being feared is sufficient, but I suspect he wants to admired as well for his virtue, good looks, and just general awesomeness he is quite willing to stage manage in order to improve. Does anyone seriously think he just happened to find an ancient urn while scuba diving? Of course not. Many of his photos are probably improved or even created digitally.

Does Putin feel an actual need to improve his nation, or Oprah to improve human lives? Yes, to the extent it makes THEM look good, and gets them more narcissitic supply. People miss the point that you can do actual good works for the wrong reasons. They also miss the point that if actual good works are not the goal, then wide deviations between rhetoric and reality are not just possible, but virtually inevitable.

Leftism is tailor made for narcissists, since it is big on high minded rhetoric, and indifferent to actual outcomes. They don’t care what happens as a result of their policies, since because they are perfect, whatever they do must be perfect, and anyone who says otherwise is either a liar and/or an enemy. Since “the people” chose them, then their enemies are the enemies of the people. If “the people” oppose them, then they obviously oppose them in error, meaning that someone out there–Trotskyites, Capitalist running dogs, the Koch brothers–must have gotten to them and corrupted their minds.

This basic concept, linking narcissism with political aspirations, governing style, and overall worldview, is an interesting one with much potential. I have seen the word megalomania used, but most narcissists do not think big enough for us to want to use that word. It is hard to think of Oprah as a megalomaniac, even if the term is appropriate, but not as someone who is self involved to such a high degree that she manifests ample signs of clinical narcissism.



I have long felt that conventional psychotherapies are between barely useful and harmful. The problem, as I see it, is that people focus on discussing emotions, rather than processing emotions. You can discuss the feeling you had when your mother or father did x, y, or z to you, and what you felt, until it’s your turn to die, and increase your emotional well being little or at all.

Everything you have done and felt is encoded in your body, both in your “static” posture (there of course is no such thing, which is why Moshe Feldenkrais invented the work “acture”), and in your decision making and sentimentation (if that is not a word, well now it is) throughout the day; in your movement, in other words.

Logically, if the problem is encoded somatically, there is where the solution arises, and no conventional psychotherapeutic schools incorporate it, other than in the form of Autogenics, which to my mind is missing some key components.

I will have more to say, but an analogy I would draw to close this post is in the use of lacrosse balls to soften hardened, unresponsive muscle tissues. You lay on them and consciously seek out areas of pain, then FOCUS on those. The end result is greater responsiveness, and a DECREASE in pain.


Rick Santorum

If I were a member of the power elite, I would be putting big money on Rick Santorum right now. It’s a can’t lose proposition. If he fails in the General Election, as appears overwhelmingly likely, you get Obama again, who is deep in their pockets, and more or less reliable, provided one can ignore his lack of intelligence (he probably genuinely thinks he won the election on his merits).

But if Santorum by some miracle wins, his mandate will revolve around social issues, which are highly energizing for many conservatives, and which have NOTHING to do with addressing the on-going attacks on our liberties–particularly the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights–and which ignore entirely the increasing consolidation of power and money (related, obviously) in fewer and fewer hands.

Since he will make no cuts in spending, the Fabian “miracle” will continue to progress apace, and he will be irrelevent to the continued implementation of a global system of government. He is no conservative: this is obvious. He’s a Catholic school boy whose moment may well have come as a result of conscious manipulation of the political process. If one is unwilling to grant that, it is abundantly clear that he has made the most of opportunities handed him with peculiarly auspicious timing.

Look around you. Look at your freeways, your Taco Bells, your post office, your grocery store. Look at the choices on your cable television, the gun in your closet, the freedom to pick up and move any time you want, to marry who you want, to raise your children as you choose. Ponder upon the fact that, today, you can go anywhere and do anything within reason you like.

All of this is perishable. None of it will endure forever. This is a historically immutable fact. Forget it at your peril.


Inspiring entrepreneurs

Here is a simple idea which is guaranteed to work: people who start companies pay no corporate taxes for their first two years. They pay income tax on their personal earnings, as of course do their employees, but the organization itself pays nothing.

The more companies that get started, the more jobs get created, and the more taxes get paid. This is simple enough. It is complicated by the fact that most scum sucking bureaucrats are unintelligent, unimaginative cowards who simply cannot grasp the balls needed to plunge your savings into a risky venture.

I will add that government bureaucracies are literally the mirror image of productive private ventures. Where private ventures can only grow by creating added benefit for society, bureaucracies grow precisely by expanding the domain of their control, and by sucking money out of the private sector in so doing. They exist at the expense of the actually productive members of society. Ayn Rand had that part right enough.



This should be clear, but I have no desire to make money from any of my writing. Scratch that: of course I want to make money. Everybody wants more money.

HOWEVER, it also pleases me to think that people might appropriate some of my ideas into their own work, and push it out into the world that way. Effectively, if I let people “steal” my ideas, they get out more efficiently. Therefore, I renounce all rights to anything I’ve published on the internet.

It would actually make me happy to see something literally cut and pasted from my website in some philosophical magazine, or political website, or wherever. I see traces of such, I think, already, but can’t remember if I have posted on this, and wanted to make my intent, and the legal status from my perspective of my work, completely clear.



Logically, if overeating is emotional–and the simple carbohydrate/fat combination clearly works in the short term as an anti-anxiolytic–then one could reasonably posit that the gain of fat is associated with unprocessed emotions. This is a thesis seen often enough.

Logically, though, this would also mean that LOSING that fat permanently would require either the processing or complete suppression of those emotions. This is an interesting fork.

It is obvious that the science of nutrition was corrupted in the mid-1980’s, largely through the work of a hack named Ancel Keys, and that the empirical basis for recommending low fat diets quite simple does not exist. Given that the adoption by the Federal Government of this idiotic idea corresponded nearly immediately with endemic rises in rates of obesity, we can I think with accuracy assume that much of our problem arose simply from bad ideas implemented by a central governing authority.

But I think there is more to it. There are now half a dozen or more, more or less low carb diets out there. It started with Atkins, but you have Protein Power, Carb Addicts, the Zone, South Beach, Paleo, and many others. The information is out there.

We assume that sedentary behavior causes obesity at least in children. They are sitting around playing video games or watching TV. Could we not also posit, however, that what is really going on is what might be termed “emotion-avoidance”, and that rather than be active socially they are using the numerous solipsistic caves created by modern technology in effect to prolong adolescence, and that this failure, in turn, creates the emotional NEED for the sorts of food that cause obesity?

As I understand the science, there is close to no link between obesity and physical activity. The excessive storage of adipose tissue–fat–is hormonally regulated. If you tweak those hormones, you initiate the use of fat as a fuel source, and eventually lean out. The process is very reversible, even, as I understand the matter, in diabetics.

Thus, we have twin cultural issues. On the one hand we have people like Michelle Obama in positions of power and influence working hard to spread scientifically disproven ideas about the nature of obesity.

On the other hand, though, we have a cultural need for the use of food as a sopophoric and emotional tranquilizer, which leads inexorably to metabolic effects.

These are of course large problems, but as I try to do, I will suggest at least some possible solutions.

First, the Federal Government needs to get out of the business of telling us what to eat. It is one thing to arrogate power that was never granted by the Constitution. It is another, worse, thing, to take that power and lead people in the WRONG DIRECTION. Quite literally, had the Surgeon General never rendered any opinion at all, we would be much better off. This is a common enough outcome when Statists prevail.

Secondly, I would like to see this curse of cultural narcissism brought into the light. I feel strongly that our nation is riddled with self centered parents who bring children into the world who feel the need to hide. Those children, in turn, never develop fully emotionally, and when they have children, the cycle repeats.

Banning things is simplistic, and fails to get at the root problem.

More generally, we need better ways of processing things emotionally. As may be obvious to more perceptive readers (I assume not all the hits on my site are from spam engines or whatever they are called, so I assume I do have readers), I was at one time the kid sent to all the shrinks.

What do you do there? You describe feelings, and put labels on the situations that gave rise to those feelings. By and large, this process is useless. The only useful advice any shrink ever gave me was to exercise (I was never medicated, but I’m sure I would have been in today’s world). The only psychology book that gave me any persistently useful advice was Martin Seligman’s Learned Optimism, in which he describes in effect the “blocks” to depressive attacks. It gets you leverage over emotions that would otherwise sweep in and out like waves beyond your control.

It has long been my goal to develop something that actually worked. My dominant hypothesis is that you get at emotional issues where they reside: somatically. Clearly, some patterns of thinking are more useful than others, so I certainly do not reject cognitive therapy. Clearly as well, some psychological maladies do progress to (or begin as) organic, mechanical problems with nervous system wiring, so I do not reject the work of psychitrists in using various anti-psychotics.

Depression, though, clearly does not result from a deficiency in anti-depressant medication, as some people more or less unconsciously seem to assume. It is not “out there”. It is “in here”, in our cultural space, and is an artifact and outcome of how we move within our social space. It seems to me our culture is some combination of walls that are excessively permeable, and walls which cannot be bridged by any means at all. For example, you cannot achieve genuine empathy from a narcissist, but for their part they are only too happy to overlook your own personal boundaries.

Somatically, what seems to work for me is feeling feelings without labeling them. I look back imaginatively to some place or situation, and just remember what I was feeling, who I was. I do this without judgement. If someone hurt you, you just feel the hurt. There is no need to reinforce anger at them. If you feel anger, feel the anger. Often, if you look carefully, you will find residual love for people that hurt you. Many people overlook this, since it is not expected cognitively, and is illogical.

There are no illogical feelings: if you feel them, you must acknowledge them to remain whole, and psychologically reactive and healthy. This is an important point.

I do real time inventories during the day. I will pause periodically to simply listen to my body, and make an inventory: I feel anxiety about X, anger about Y, my back hurts (always: I have scoliosis), I believe I need to eat, and I keep thinking obsessively about Z. I make no effort to make any of this go away. If you acknowledge it, it diminishes in importance, even if it does not fade away fully.

Now, I am a man, and historically uncomfortable with what I was raised to consider the “feminine” process of feeling. Feeling is what girls do. If a conversation with a partner starts with “I feel that you. . “, then get ready to be uncomfortable with this whole mishy-mashy mush about sentiments, when I could just be reading a book and smoking a cigar–or, really, ANYTHING else. Many men, I think, are like this, and professions like law enforcement or the military readily support this basic predisposition of avoiding feelings.

(It is actually interesting that if you do get to the emotional core of soldiers and the like, they are almost childlike in their enthusiasms and generosities; this is because they never ended their emotions, but rather retained them more or less intact from childhood, in my view).

This basic ideas, that of feeling feelings, I got from Tarthang Tulku’s “Kum Nye” books, which I have found very useful. I have had difficulty with it at times, since feelings come up that more or less create emotional indigestion and heartburn for me. Since I can keep them from my consciousness, I often do. But you cannot progress as a human being without developing skill in feeling. The goal is not to not feel anger, as people supposedly on the spiritual path often assume. The goal is to see the role of anger, see its value, and also to see its pitfalls, and to only use it when it is the most contextually appropriate response.

Finally, I have been interested in some time in the process of “Autogenic Abreaction” of Johannes Schulz and (Wolfgang, I believe?) Luthe. Basically, you teach people to relax deeply, then let them have images drift by, which they describe to the therapist. The transcripts read more or less like real time accounts of dreams. They apparently got some therapeutic relief through these methods for their patients.

What I have found in myself is that there are bridges of emotion I must cross to become deeply relaxed. All sorts of things–unprocessed emotions, avoided feelings–come up, and prevent full relaxation. There must, then, I think be a continuum, in which you process feelings at the same time you are learning deep relaxation. You achieve success not when you feel nothing, but when you feel happy, fulfilled, open, but not naive.

Few thoughts for a Sunday.