
Bon Mot

A poor workman blames his tools; a poor teacher blames his students.

I may well have seen this somewhere, but I can’t remember.  It seems too obvious not to have been said by someone.

I will add, though, that what the black community in this country needs is teachers: not school teachers, but people who can show how to live with dignity, how to climb the economic ladder, how to live in respect for one another.  These people need to be black, not white.  Asking for help of white people in fighting this fight is tantamount to declaring insuperable weakness.  Weakness is not the problem: having weakness constantly rationalized for them is the problem.  More: being told that they DESERVE a respite from the problems of life because of something that happened long ago.

It is truly a great tragedy that since their last great leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., they have been led down the path of demanding more and more for less and less, to the detriment of all but the fork-tongued devils enriching themselves immensely from this process, of all races.

With friends like those, who needs enemies?



I think it can be posited that anyone who is unable to regularly use their freedom to generate positive feelings, will on some level come to resent freedom as a burden, and–unconsciously–seek out defining boundaries provided by a creed, a myth, or a person or group.

I look at all the horror of the 20th Century, and cannot but be struck by how UNNECESSARY it all was.  As far as that goes, most of the violence and terror of human history were likewise unnecessary.

The defining characteristic, I think, of the rejection of freedom is the rejection of time, of gradual change.  All a “revolution” was–in France, in Russia, in China, in Cambodia, in Vietnam–was an effort to transpose a new static image in the stead of the old static image.  Instead of a “class structure”–in reality, of course, endlessly complex, and filled with benefits for all involved on many levels–you have, supposedly, NO class structure.  That one set of autocrats was replaced by another is normally lost in this analysis.

But always: cartoons, there on the page.  Motionless, even if evocative.  Unreal, even if they feel larger than life.

I read that in some quarters Marxism is on the rise again.  How?  Why?  To the extent anything Marx wrote was non-cartoonish, it was falsified by history. His “science” was manifestly wrong.

What is his allure?  He pacifies the free, in the hope that they will one day be relieved of the burdens of truth-telling and choice.


HAARP and Eric Holder

Beyond any doubt, the HAARP array in Alaska can heat the atmosphere and affect weather.  This was its intent.  Could it not be used by the cynical, impatient with the Earth’s refusal to support their models, to cause artificial heating, so as to spur support for energy control by the government? Yes, it seems clear it could.

One could suppose that no one would be so callous, so indifferent to suffering as to support that, but I think the Fast and Furious shows, in very clear relief, the amorality and even cruelty of leftists in their pursuit of power.  Fast and Furious was nothing but an effort to increase violence so as to support calls for increased gun regulation.  Our Attorney General, the highest law enforcement official in the nation, knowingly caused hundreds of deaths, so he could implement a policy–gun control–which would cause THOUSANDS of deaths through increased crime.

So no, it would be beyond them.  My solace is that there should be honest people out there, in the non-government sphere, who would detect such activities.  One hopes.


Communism versus Fascism

As I think about it–and I’ve had this discussion/debate repeatedly–the most important distinction between these two systems is perhaps quite simple.  In one system the government controls all property in reality, and in the other only in theory.  You have no property rights in Fascism, but at the same time if you keep your mouth shut and do as you are told, you can keep what you have if nobody else needs it.  As an example, you have no farm collectivization in Fascism, which alone has caused many, many millions of deaths, including in places like Ethiopia, whose famous famine in the 1980’s was in effect caused by Communists.

John Maynard Keynes, like his mentor George Bernard Shaw, was plainly fine with both systems, but I think temperamentally his inclination was to make de facto control of all means of production less obvious.  This is more subtle, and likely more effective in the long run. 

In our modern world, I think China is best described as a Fascist state.  They no longer pursue collectivized anything, and have rather handed local control of corporate activity over to preferred Party members; control which, however, they view as finally in the hands of the Party, as is all trading policy, capital flows, and monetary policy.


Project Jubilee

You need names for things.  I think a great name for my proposal for a Capitalist Revolution is Project Jubilee, after the festival called for in Leviticus to free all slaves and erase all debts every fifty years.  Practically, the two are closely related in the modern economy.

I will reiterate, as I don’t remember how many times I’ve said it here, that I am quite willing to make common cause with leftists, if we can share in an assault on our unjust financial system.


Higgs Boson

In my understanding, the consensus view among quantum physicists is that “reality” is a meaningless concept.  Practically, “it” seems to come into being when it encounters consciousness.  Since we are by definition conscious, most professional physicists simply bracket the question of what is really real and focus on applied science.

Yet, if consciousness creates reality, then what we observe in the apparently “outside” world can quite plausibly, even within the more or less consensus model, originate within our own psyches.

Given this, it is interesting to wonder if the apparent discovery of the Higgs boson is not the result of the universe crying uncle after 30 years of thousands of physicists praying devoutly, even if not consciously, for just this miracle.

For my part, I think that the concept of intrinsic mass will at some point need to be abandoned, and the Quantum Vacuum/ Zero Point Field taken seriously, which to this point very few paid physicists have been willing to do.


Christianity and Hell

Two thoughts.  First, the idea that being “saved” is sufficient acts, in my view, as a barrier to moral progress.  Salvation is not principally a moral deed with any content outside of accepting the paradigmatic moral deed of Christ himself: acknowledging it, and pledging allegiance to the author of this uebermoral act.  Certainly, Christ taught us to love one another,but from a theological perspective in most sects, being “born again”, or observing the rites of the  Church, is sufficient.  This is in my view an ironic outcome.

Secondly, what if hell is nothing more than suffering all the pain you inflicted on others?  Even for the most evil–Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Mao, Hitler–this would still be a finite amount of pain, even if quite large.  I have seen the case made that the Biblical word for eternity is closer to “one thousand years”.  That is a significant difference, that between the finite and the non-finite.

Or take Lincoln.  I have wondered about him.  I visited his grave and it had a strange energy to it.  He caused a war to be fought which caused an ENORMOUS amount of suffering.  Yet, arguably, he caused a great deal of good to be done as well, although it is of course impossible to know what would have happened if he had let South Carolina and the rest of the South go.  Does he feel the pain of one Confederate soldier, then the jubilation of at least one slave?  I have no idea.  It’s an interesting topic, though.


Leftist psychology

I am reading a very interesting book, Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman, and am struck by the similarities between leftist politics and psychoanalysis done incompetently and even malignantly.

For one thing, she notes that if the therapist, in the false  hope of shortening the recovery process, becomes a “rescuer”, that that actually impedes and slows–or even prevents–the recovery of that patient.  “Victims” need two things: empowerment, which can only come from a realistic appraisal of their actual control over themselves and events; and reconnection with the larger social world, which can only happen in a desirable way following the development of a sense of autonomy, which itself of course is related to empowerment.

Leftist politics, by their very nature, don’t even ASK the question: “how can we help people without undermining their sense of autonomy?”  It is PRESUMED that if politically correct people are on the task, that by definition their work is immaculate, and only capable of being corrupted by ideological others, which is why there is so much hate directed by the left at the right.  It is literally the case that one could make a strong case that as a group leftist politics are DEFINED by clinical cognitive dissociation.  Their left hand, which can do no wrong, has no conversations with their own right hands, which see very clearly the pain and misery their policies routinely cause.

Consider in this context this very interesting quote which does so much to explain Detroit, the massive unrecognized failures of poverty politics, both domestically and abroad (in purported economic aid and development packages), and idiocies like this treatment of Obamacare (which assumes among other things that you can add tens of millions of people to Medicaid–a fact I don’t see mentioned–keep everything else the same, and yet somehow decrease overall costs):

The three most common narcissistic snares are the aspirations to heal all, know all, and love all.  Since such gifts are no more accessible to the contemporary psychotherapist [in my use: self proclaimed do-gooder] than they were to Faust, unless such trends are worked out. . .[the therapist/leftist] will be subjected to a sense of  Faustian helplessness and discouragement, and tempted to solve his dilemma by resort to magical and destructive action.

Does one not see this tendency, repeated incessantly, to proclaim that the problem is SO URGENT that SOMETHING must be done, and not by the people affected, but by their self appointed representatives?

Obamacare is a prime example.  I will be writing a refutation of it that goes farther than I have in the past soon, but the net is that the situation is unambiguous: this policy will lead to greatly increased costs for the middle class in the form of insurance cost increases (somebody has to pay for the already-sick who can no longer be denied, and whose coverage cannot be subjected to ANY lifetime limits); healthcare rationing; a bloated Federal bureaucracy that will cost 2-3 times the bullshit numbers we are being fed; and VASTLY decreased choice.  Where we have no waits now, we will.  Where we have ready access to experts now, we won’t.  None of this is the slightest bit ambiguous economically.

I propose that it is only the magical thinking that attends profound boundary violations of the supposedly down-trodden that enables stupidities like this to pass unnoticed.  Self evidently, when what I say will happen happens–if Obamacare is allowed to continue as the cancer that it is–NOBODY on the left will admit it, despite the fact that they deny these things are possible now.

The saying “Liberalism is a mental illness” has been with us some time.  I literally, clinically, think that specific terms and psychodynamic verdicts oriented around narcissismic overreach can be applied as generally useful.


Student Loans

I have pondered off and on for some time in trying to explain the metastasis of higher education bureaucracies, particularly given that we do not seem to be making many people smarter by going to college.  “Liberal Arts” teaches de facto fascism.  Only the hard sciences and perhaps business and the like do anything of social value.

My conclusion is this: the salient fact on this issue is that student loans cannot be defaulted on, by law.  This is the one thing that has made an enormous difference.  The analogy with the housing bubble is strong, but not exact.

The problem in the 2008 bubble was not so much the Community Refinancing Act, which mandated risky loans to people with little credit history.  The problem was that all of the securities issued by Wall Street had the backing of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, meaning effectively that if for some reason the loans were not repaid, the Federal Government would step in to take care of it, AS INDEED IT HAS, costing hundreds of billions of dollars.  This created the manifest moral hazard that profits were privatized, and risks passed on to saps, in this case the American people, who in general still do not understand what happened.

With regard to student loans, authorized agencies like Sallie Mae could make loans to ANYONE, regardless of credit history (and 18 year olds don’t of course normally have a credit history), and in nearly any amount, because they KNEW that, legally, that loan would be repaid, even if it took 30 years to do so.  You can’t discharge student loans in bankruptcies.  You can’t walk away from them the way you can a house.

This, in turn, enabled massive cost increases by the universities, who–like all bureaucracies–exist principally to expand.  In this regard, they might be profitably compared to cancers.  Untreated, cancers will nearly always grow until they kill the host, here, the American people.  Given the cultural presupposition that you need a college degree, they were able to count on economically ignorant young people taking on more and more debt, with little to no net increase in BENEFIT to them.

The whole thing is really quite cynical.  University Administrators make very good money, yet deliver very little of value to their students, and by extension to the American economy and people.  Yes, engineers are helpful, but they are number eight in the top ten of college degrees.  Look at this:

I count only four degrees that are in useful fields: Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, and Nursing.  The rest of them are throwaway.  I don’t count business degrees for the simple reason that I have been in business myself for some time, and in my experienced view there is no substitute for just doing the job.  As a general rule, the top salespeople in non-technical fields don’t have college degrees at all.  My two former brothers-in-law are both way into six figures, and neither even did well in high school; yet, both know WAY more than even a graduate of the best business program in the country.  In fact, much of what seems to be taught in business school is short term profit at the expense of long term value.  This is bullshit.  Nobody in business for themselves thinks like that.  Graduates of such programs get hired on by large corporations, and move on before the consequences of their policies really hit.

With regard to psychology, political science, history, philosophy, literature, and the like, I have learned way more since I left college than I ever learned there.

Bottom line: the government, once again, has been used by Socialists to support a very simple goal: getting more people into indoctrination factories, and increasing the relative power and money of those factories in such a way as to build support for leftwing policies.

Again, Fannie Mae was intended as a means of distrupting the private market in housing, and for facilitating a government take-over of the housing sector.  Between them, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hold the mortgages to some 2/3rds of American homes.  Consider that.  Ponder that.  If it had been called a housing takeover people would have been up in arms.  Call it “making housing affordable”, and you are a big fat meany head if you oppose it.

There is no point in denying that leftists lie well.  Generally they lie both to themselves and everyone else. But not all.  Some are power-mongering sons of bitches, who in a just world would be readily recognized for what they are and reviled.  But we do not live in a lucid, much less just world.  We live in an Alice in  Wonderland world, carefully crafted by the sadists among us, and very few people seem able to navigate it.



No amount of destruction can ever be cathartic.  Although we are all tempted to avoid and paradoxically express our wounds in cruelty, thoughtlessness and tearing down, it can never, in the end, bring peace for more than an excruciating moment.  Had Hitler burnt down the entire world, it would not have been enough.  Tens of millions of dead Chinese were not enough for Chairman Mao.

Even though I oppose it in principle, I will not deny that from time to time I look at pornography, perhaps ten minutes once a month, and a few hours once a year when I am drinking.  Although even this amount is in my view too much, I think as a single man who spends a lot of time on the computer this is likely quite low.

In any event, last night I watched a free thirty second teaser video of sorority girls being hazed.  It amounted to low grade S&M, which is seemingly what most pornography consists in, whether this fact is obvious or admitted or not.  Most everything you see effectively eradicates and ignores the feelings of the women in question, reducing them to sexual objects.  This is why I oppose pornography.

I was tired and irritable, and I found it arousing.  This of course was the intent, and it worked.

Yet, my self therapy over the past year or so has consisted in regularly trying to remember and feel emotions.  I have spent most of my life in de facto emotional numbness, and as with all wounds, under the numbness is unremembered and unexpressed pain.  I was lying there last night, doing this process, and I got to the other side of that pain: I felt pain, and all the attraction of watching these poor girls in the process of losing their sense of dignity and self vanished.  Gone.

I have at times referred to cruelty as the outsourcing of pain.  I really believe this is the function.  All sadism, all destruction in this world, happens due to the inability of people to feel and process all the things that hurt them.

The cruelty we see in modern America–exhibits would include Horror movies, and as a random example the cover of the latest Nicki Minaj album cover–logically arise as a result of our shared inability to process tragedy, to feel deeply our own pain, and to become deeper human beings as a result.  We spend too much time consuming media, conforming to values chosen by media, and too little time wrestling with the genuine problems of life, those of purpose.  Our values are being nice, and pretending that voting to help people actually helps people.

Socialism, in the end, is sadism.  It is emotionally weak.  It is cannibalism.  This is the cultural reality.