Leftism is about power, period. It has NOTHING to do with helping anyone. There are rulers and tools.
50 Shades of Bruised.
Socialism–egalitarianism–is about the destruction of culture, which is to say the capacity for shared moral differentiation, and identity outside of conformity to behavioral norms you neither originate nor choose.
Minimum Wage alternative
Here is copy of the case I made:
unemployment, but I am going to qualify it: among unskilled, first time
workers. As a general rule, virtually everyone who has been working
more than a couple years is not going to be paid minimum wage, so what
it is is relevant only for unskilled workers. Managers at Burger King
make well above minimum wage.
First off, here are some statistics: We
have gotten so used to seeing unemployment rates of 30 percent or 40
percent for black teenage males that it might come as a shock to many
people to learn that the unemployment rate for 16- and 17-year-old black
males was just under 10 percent back in 1948.
Let me put a concrete case in front of you. As things stand
currently in inner cities, some 40% of black kids are unemployed, and
realistically will stay that way for some time, with all the negative
social consequences that follow.
Let’s take a kid, Mike, who is 17, has never had a job, dropped out
of high school, and who was raised by a single mother working two jobs.
He has nothing to do all day but watch TV, and wonder if he should
start selling drugs to earn some money to chase girls.
If businesses could hire him for, say $5 an hour, then they would
grab him in a heartbeat. It’s a great deal for them, since he’s cheap,
and it’s a much better deal for him than what he has now.
The “liberal” argument is both that he should not be allowed to work
for that wage, since it is “exploitative”, and that if he just votes
Democrat he will eventually be taken care of.
But he won’t be taken care of. Unemployment rates in the inner
cities have been astronomical for 50 years. This is in large measure
why there is so much violence there.
My question, then, is if people are willing to work for lower wages,
why are the choices between either not hiring that person, or hiring
someone who WILL work for $5 overseas? Why not let Mike make his own
OF COURSE it makes “liberals” feel good. But is feeling good the
goal, or is it helping people? I would argue that the part of wisdom
and compassion is the latter.
Minimum wage laws are very destructive, but, as Sowell points out:
This was not the first or the last time that liberals did
something that made them feel good about themselves, while leaving havoc
in their wake, especially among the poor whom they were supposedly
Dale Carnegie Intellectuals
You write your essays, and send them in. They get rejected, because, oh, something is just not on that person’s horizon or calendar, or they just don’t know you. So if you are to succeed as a writer, you must figure out what that person wants, what makes them tick, then conform to that. Over time, it seems to me, this self censorship becomes so habitual that you forget about the spontaneous obsession for truth and order.
This has been my experience. I send things in, they get rejected, and I know quite well what I am supposed to do. I can see quite well how the game is played, and if I had a different temperament, I would play it. But what I like about myself is inconsistent with that game. If they don’t want my ideas as they exist–subject to reasonable stylistic changes–then fuck them. That is how I view it, for better or worse.
Here is the thing: if one looks at HOW the game is being played, it is being played with profound and distressing mediocrity. Virtually no segment of the mainstream conservative establishment has made auditing the Fed a priority. Nobody is pointing out how banks steal money, or that their structure is inimical to free enterprise and Capitalism outright. Very few are waging the culture war with vigor, other than the occasional lament at how far we have fallen. NEWSFLASH: a return to antique religiosity is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Alternatives are needed. I have proposed my versions, and would certainly love to see more.
But I want to be clear: being nice, never “criticizing, condemning or complaining” is not the path to excellence. Anyone worth their salt WANTS to be criticized; they actively seek out alternative paradigms and TEST them.
Thinking is an agonistic enterprise. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not for people who take pleasure in other people agreeing with them. In my own view, it is for people who take pleasure in facing any and all comers in contested environments and whose arguments–definitionally based on logic and verifiable or at least strongly plausible facts–fare well. You must always be looking for hostile contact. You must WANT to expose your ideas, over and over and over, to people who hate you and everything you stand for. That is where progress is made.
It is not made over the coffee pot with friends– not paradigmatic growth, at any rate. We do not need details: we need new big pictures.
Obama’s Plan
What he wants to do is say and do anything to get reelected, then use the office of the President to IMPOSE, though executive fiat, everything he can get away with, and see if Congress has the balls to stop him through impeachment. Congress has not arrested Eric Holder. They did not demand of Obama that he prove he met the Constitutional requirement to be President. So he may well be right in his assumption that this nation is run by unprincipled pussies who have been doing political calculations for so long that they have forgotten what they were elected for in the first place, and who are quite willing to sell this country–our children–down the river, as long as they get a Golden Parachute, and feel they can blame somebody else.
This nation was built by better men and women. We deserve better. This is no way to honor the legacy of their sacrifices.
Cheerfulness and Athleticism
Logically, nervous system efficiency is tied to relaxation, which is tied to non-violence. You do not force yourself to do anything you don’t WANT to do. Elite athletes WANT to perform well, they enjoy the process, so they are efficient.
Logically, too, if we consider that the brain alone uses 20% of our daily calories, a relaxed, cheerful disposition ought to use less calories than a tense, constricted one. This is likely the secret of people like the marathon monks of Mount Hiei, who eat much less than one would think they would need.
Guns equal power
Why were guns such a prominent feature in the Black Panther movement
in the 60’s and 70’s? Because under Jim Crow blacks were not allowed
access to gun ownership, and understood, rightly, that guns are the most
potent means of resisting oppression.
In Jamaica gun laws are so strict that you can go to jail for
possessing a single bullet. Yet, gun crime is rampant. Why? First,
because the police, being the only ones allowed to own guns, frequently
use them on defenseless Jamaicans. Second, because just as in the drug
trade, if you make something illegal, you boost the profits associated
in trading with outside the law.
How has banning drugs worked out over the last 30 years? Mexico,
which is another nation with VERY strict gun control laws, is awash in
both drugs and guns bought with the profits of those drugs from
countries around the world.
Banning assault rifles will create an underground market for assault
rifles, meaning that ONLY criminals possess them, as is the case in
And the intent of the Second Amendment is clear: the right and duty
of each and every State to provide for its own defense is absolute, and
therefore the Federal Government would make no law preventing
individuals or groups from owning guns. It is important to keep in
mind, in this regard, that a standing army was also greatly feared at
that time, as such armies were often used for oppression, as for example
the Redcoats oppressed us. We had guns, though, and it ended well for
Guns were intended, specifically, in my view, as a block to the
aggregation of power of an absolutist Federal government. Guns
represent, even today, a huge problem for any group that would want to
impose tyranny by force. Guns, quite simply, are anti-authoritarian,
but only to the extent they are DEMOCRATIZED.
And empirically, crime is lowest in the areas with the highest rates
of gun ownership: rural America, where virtually every home has multiple
guns. Crime also drops whenever Concealed Carry laws are passed.
I own a gun, and view anyone who doesn’t as misguided. Banning
assault rifles would not have prevented this crime. It could have been
done as effectively with handguns.
What we need to be asking is why our social order is imploding.
These crimes do not happen in socially coherent societies. These
crimes are a reflection of a mass media culture and the anomie that goes
with it.
Loneliness and trauma, is what I see. Loneliness: the first task of a society is to figure out what to do with its pain. If you cannot share pain–and a common solution is sharing it be inflicting it–then you lose the capacity to interact with others on a deep level. S and M is just one way of replacing this function in an unhealthy way.
Trauma: I think we need to understand prolonging failure to connect with other people on a deep, spiritual level not just as a symptom of trauma, but constitutive of it. In itself, it can build a self perpetuating of pain, withdrawal, pain, and withdrawal. This is the great merit and critical social weakness of computers and video games, and media in general: it dulls aches of this sort, without providing any real solution.
As is obvious to anyone who knows me well, I have so many ideas on so many topics, it is quite literally impossible to chase them all down all the time. I have to prioritize, and even then I do not get as much done as I would like. In theory, I have been working on a book on our financial system, but my treatise is as far as I have gotten. In recent months, I have been trying to work down to the core of what has been my mental illness. I feel it may be a widely shared mental illness, but want to see. I am making progress.
That all is by way of prologue to setting an idea out in the public space that occurred to me some time ago. That of creating groups of ten people, who in effect as as small tribes, as extended social groups. The concept is similar to a support group, but you vow to support one another, and you do much more than support groups do. You learn as a group. You cope as a group.
This group would be the fundamental unit of what I have been calling the Church of Goodness. Since my creed is very non-specific–my only core principles are rejection of self pity, perseverance, and perceptual movement/breathing–then endless specific, local iterations are possible.
This group I propose to call a Bohannon, after Heinlein’s term. Bohannon’s, of course, can congregate in what would look more like a church, to sing, drink, run, dance, sing some more, discuss abstract philosophy, paint, sun themselves by the pool: whatever appears suited to the task of pursuing qualitative joy.
Edit: that term I remember from long ago as being used in Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land to describe an organic, real, “Family”, which needed not be a physical family at all. I may be misremembering–as the term is not popping up on Google–and don’t have time to look it up right now.
As far as that goes, if I invented a word, no harm in that. I just wanted to borrow the word Heinlein used.
My new motto
Some will get that, and some will not.
If there are five stones on a table, there is no judgement needed to count them. If you have a measuring stick, there is no need for judgement to determine their width, height and depth.
But some things in life, like how you feel about something or someone, or how beautiful a sunrise or sunset is, or even how much salt or pepper to put on your food, are sentimental, in the sense that they rely upon mutable, unfixed, unmeasurable judgements. In judgement, you can be relatively right or wrong, as measured by the progress of your feelings. If you feel something makes you happy, and that feeling continues to grow, then you were likely “right”.
No scientific process can bring this process into the measurable. Complexes of feelings are composed of hormones, neurotransmitters, nervous excitation or relaxation and the like. All of these things can be measured. But the feeling is the essence of being human, and even TRYING to bring this into the measurable is in my view fundamentally misanthropic. It is short sighted, reductive (by definition), and unnecessary.
Why can we not admit, in principle, that some things are best “known” through poetry and song? It is a species of savage narcissism and profound discomfort with the facts of life that refuses this very REASONable request.
Yet, we see it every day. Wherever the sun is shining on the Earth, it countenances stupidity.