Mask Heart and Mask Brain
I really think there will come a time, most likely soon, if freedom and sanity survive–as I say, we cannot assume this will happen, as it is not happening now to the extent it should be–when a condition called “mask heart” enters common parlance.
This is a heart which has been damaged by prolonged oxygen deprivation. It really doesn’t matter what some fucking asshole tells you: you KNOW you do not breathe as well with a mask on–any mask–as without one. Period. Full Stop. This point is not debatable. We all feel more stress when wearing masks–at least physiologically, with some depressingly large number of us also seemingly taking psychological comfort in these ridiculous and ineffective things–and feel better when taking them off.
They are clinically traumatizing our kids. And in our kids, this prolonged–8 or more hours a day, 5 days a week, across YEARS–oxygen deprivation may well lead to stunted brain growth. I propose we call this Mask Brain, where a kid who should have had a 120 IQ now has a 110 one, and who should have been developmentally at a 5th grade level is in fact at a 4th grade level.
Everything, ALL OF THIS, is making nearly everything worse. And it isn’t bad luck, or oversight. I wish I were that sanguine.
But if I see a problem, I will describe it, and will propose solutions where I can. Here, it is STOP!!! Stop this fucking bullshit. Stop all this anti-scientific nonsense. Get rid of the masks, particularly on kids. Let those who want the jabs get them and leave the rest of us alone.
Preach on Vitamin D, and the acute need for zinc in acute illness.
And untie our doctors so they can use all FDA approved medicines in any way that makes sense to them clinically.
Alternative hypothesis
I am reading stories like this just about every day:
When is the last time you remember TWO athletes collapsing on the field in the same season? Honestly, Len Bias is the only one I recall, and a baseball pitcher down in Florida who had a heart attack after drinking too much Ephedra. Do you remember that they banned Ephedra after that? I used to use it to function after two hours of sleep, and I missed it immensely back then. One high profile case, and the drug disappears.
Compare that to today. Compare that to today.
But in the European soccer league (yes, I know they call it football), rates of “sudden cardiac events” are up AT LEAST fivefold from any previous maximum. People are dying and stroking, and seizing up and fainting at rates I’ve never seen. Young people. Top athletes, in their prime.
The obvious candidate is the jabs, which, unlike normal vaccines which stay in your shoulder, travel all through the body and seem to create blood clots and stress on the heart in various ways.
But I will be the first on my block to suggest perhaps MASK WEARING is playing a role too. Breathing through a fucking mouth diaper 8-10 or more hours a day for 15 months or more. Not healthy. Not good. Liable to create all sorts of lung infections, with heart damage not unlikely due to lack of oxygen, particularly if people are EXERCISING with these fucking things, as I have seen done often.
If I had to guess–and I don’t have to, but I am going to–the problem is a combination of those two, and it’s not entirely a stretch to add emotional stress to the equation, as the apologists for Normalization of Tyranny (Not: which happens to be the German word for Emergency or distress) seem to want to do, ignoring in the process that most of the emotional stress was created by THEM in response to a disease whose danger was ALWAYS, from the outset, exaggerated to rationalize measures which were ALWAYS nonsensical and anti-scientific in the sense that they failed to use what we knew, and frequently stipulated as true things we knew NOT to be true, such as the efficacy of masks when used by an untrained public.
That was probably a run-on sentence, but I’m going to leave it.
Shortened: nearly everything our “public health experts” have demanded our political leaders impose on us has shortened life spans, failed to combat the disease, and sickened peoples minds and hearts while destroying their lives and finances.
Couple thoughts
Horror and Fascination are related, just like fear and excitement are.
The past is not fixed. It is always possible to remember it anew, in both better and worse ways, which is to say with a greater fondness that comes with greater understanding, or a greater loathing that ALSO comes with greater understanding.
If who you were then is not who you are now, then it makes sense that your understanding of that time might change also.
I will say that in all long term processes of personal growth, there will come times when you cringe at things you have done or said, that made perfect sense to you when you first did them.
And I think too you will realize there were times that seemed bad, that were not really so bad at all. Hard work and difficulty are not intrinsically bad or good, and not infrequently they lead to new insights that make life better.
Who actually runs the world?
This video is well done, and very well argued. If you don’t know the names Blackstone and Vanguard yet, you will soon, and will not soon forget them.
Worth your time, in my view, at just over an hour.
Today’s Jeremiad
I was reading Joe Biden is going to offer Americans “free” COVID test kits. Free. No cost. The government will just shower them on everyone who wants them, just like we have free COVID testing and free “vaccines”.
To my mind, this is a lot like a car salesmen–used or new–offering you $5,000 for a car not worth more than $1,000. How does that work? Well, he already ADDED $4,000 to the price of the car you want to buy. You were a complete sucker paying full price, and now you are a relative sucker paying relative full price.
They do this shit all day every day, and some apparently significant percentage of people are too stupid to understand it.
My last “trade in” I KNEW it was not worth more than $1,000–I buy them and run them into the ground–and when he offered me $1,000 I asked the salesman what they would do with it. He said pull what parts they could off of it and sell it for scrap metal. That sounded honest to me.
Here is the thing: over the past couple of years our appointed officials have just stopped COUNTING how much fucking money they are borrowing and creating to pay for every last little fucking thing any Democrat or Republican politician thinks it might take to make the average American voter happy for six months to a year.
Ponder this: leaving our kids with a pile of debt is the ultimate act of taxation without representation, isn’t it? We have one hell of a party, and then give the bill to people who were not even invited. It’s heart breaking and ruthlessly wrong. It’s a Ponzi scheme where the main beneficiaries never technically broke the law. They merely acted like selfish psychopaths, and were allowed to get away with it by a compliant, stupid, and apathetic electorate, along with all the people who are SUPPOSED to protect us, who aren’t. Maybe some of them have a thing for children or Satan, or bribes, but it seems easiest to assume most of them are unprincipled cowards, who deserve to be spit on in public.
But if most of them are no worse than most of us, how would we create the moral distance to justify doing that? Most of them ARE us. And most of us are fucking imbeciles. Complacent irresponsible gullible fools.
I will offer a few moments from my own life.
Walking on the beach at Myrtle Beach at sunset.
Laying in a meadow with my kids in Yellowstone, after a long hike.
Sitting in a very old stone building in Lucerne Switzerland, alone, after volunteering to help oversee for a time an Amnesty International exhibit. No one came while I was there. It was cold in there, and they brought me some mulled wine, “Gluehwein”, as they called it. It was quiet. It felt good.
You can’t force good moments, and they can and I think often do happen interspersed with moments of stress and tension.
I took my kids to New York some years ago, and by far my favorite moment was when I misread the subway lines and took us to the middle of Harlem, when I was trying to get to Columbia (which my oldest was considering applying to at the time). We got off, and then got caught immediately in a bad rainstorm. We stood under some construction awning with a bunch of locals for a good twenty minutes, watching the rain and each other. It was wonderful.
Then one of my kids had to use the restroom. We talked some folks at a Hispanic grocery into letting us use their bathroom downstairs. I tried some of my Spanish, and it was so comically bad both of my kids laughed at me. I bought us all umbrellas, and we walked up the stairs to Morningside Heights, I think it is called. The rain was flowing in massive streams down the steps. I took my kids pictures standing there in the middle of it, grinning ear to ear. It’s one of my favorite pictures of them.
These are the sorts of things that make up lives, what you remember, what matters. You won’t remember meeting that deadline on your death bed. The bonus was spent long ago, and you won’t remember what you spent it on. But you will probably remember how your child or wife or, if you have a happy family, your mother, smiled when you did something genuinely thoughtful.
You can’t reach for “moments”. You can take a picture and post it on Instagram, but Instagram is the only place it will be remembered.
Without sharing details, my youngest recently went to New York and had a couple really Instagrammable moments, really picture worthy moments, and she was like, nah, I’ll just leave it. That made me proud.
If you don’t take a picture, that won’t necessarily make it more memorable, but if you feel the need to DOCUMENT it, I almost guarantee what feeling was there will dissipate instantly. And the preemptive urge for documentation will leave you needing your Instagram feed on your death bed to remember your life.
No, let things happen. I think learning deep relaxation , and the HABIT of entering into Moments, of feeling the clouds, the sun or rain on your skin, the scent of flowers, or dead leaves and flowing or frozen water, and the emotions in your belly, and heart, and face: all of this makes “moments” more likely. Enlightenment is perhaps feeling little else, despite what happens to you.
Surfing life
Where do you place your attention: on what is happening, what is about to happen, or what just happened?
Various teachers tells us to focus on the Present. Eckhart Tolle, for example, seems to have virtually trademarked this idea.
But every present moment is always already a past moment, isn’t it? William James meditated long and hard on all this in his Principles of Psychology. If I do a podcast, I will most likely do a deep dive on that chapter, on the self, or sense of self, and on the difficulties in defining what we mean by self, and personality, and individuality.
But if the present is already the past, I am going to suggest that the best life place to be is in eager anticipation. There is enthusiasm in anticipation, excitement, engagement. As a kid, wondering what is under the tree is almost better than unwrapping the gifts, and PERHAPS IT IS.
In sex, the lead up, the seduction, the preliminaries, are always, in my experience, more memorable than what I will call the denouement, the finale of Bolero. Bolero lasts a good long while. The finale, not long at all. (Can I note it was obviously written from a male perspective? From a female perspective, we could have had multiple finales, building on one another. I propose this new piece be called Bolera.)
So this puts you in the front of the wave of perception, in my analogy, surfing endlessly into a future you cannot predict, but have already leaned into.
One more idea, hopefully of use to someone.
You know, I expect the most pleasant memories in most lives, that we experience when we die, are ones that passed almost unnoticed when they happened. We were too busy being present in them.
But remembering them is a Kum Nye exercise. Remembering them, expanding the feelings, and focusing on and expanding the feelings. It’s an obvious idea, really, but one rarely seen. I have not seen it suggested anywhere else, although it must have been.
People like me, we are in the habit of worry, of looking for danger, of being habituated to tension and conflict, and really only comfortable in it. I worry when I stop worrying. Maybe that is one decent definition of an anxiety or trauma disorder.
But imagine if, when you die, your after-life existence consists in the main of revisiting any and all moments of your life that you like. I don’t think that is what happens, but imagine it as an exercise. Would you not want at least a few islands where you forgot your cares, forgot the weight of the world, forgot your “duty”–which no one assigned you–to right all the wrongs, and to worry and care about the suffering?
Just a few bubbles here and there would make a huge difference, when life is light for a time, and not so hard, and not so thick. They can have beginnings and ends. No need to extend the frivolity endlessly. But something there, in your memory, in your history, in your record.
I write this mostly for me, but it may be useful for someone else too.
Ponder this: some sixty years after Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X and others were demanding basic dignities, basic inclusions, many black Americans–who disproportionately but rightly mistrust these jabs–are AGAIN being denied basic rights, such as being seated and served in a restaurant, sitting on a bus or subway, WORKING a job, going to school.
And the slogan “I can’t breathe” applies to 5 year old kids crying and bawling and terrified and traumatized by these fucking masks, doesn’t it? With the obvious difference that this is carefully chosen policy, applied to hundreds of millions of children the world over?
This whole thing is madness. I struggle daily with ways to describe it that are affectively sufficient.
It truly is a war on humanity. That is not hyperbole. It is a war on our mental health, our economic well being, and basic civil rights.
And what happens when all the overwhelmed “mental health counselors” start having nervous breakdowns themselves? More medicines? Is Big Pharma trying to increase its profits further by pushing people into severe and general dependence on psychiatric drugs too?
Wake the fuck up, if you have not yet.
Here is the link again to the documentary on masks. If it does not fill you with sadness and fury, you are a defective human being:
I have not watched any of the other linked movies, but suspect some of them are worth the time. You don’t need to believe all the claims to GET that something is clearly not right, and that scientists lying in large numbers about science is not something that happens spontaneously or accidentally.