
One benefit of the Alamo objections

 It may be that Mo Brooks is utterly destined to fail, as is Tommy Tuberville, if he does the same in the Senate.

HOWEVER, 2 hours of debate is required, and that would create the window within which to unleash all of the collected evidence of fraud into the Congressional Record, making all Senators and all Representatives potentially criminally liable for certifying patently illegal elections.

The sundry Secretaries of State may be so liable now, although it will require criminal investigations no one is presently conducting.  We stand abandoned by law enforcement and the courts equally.

And that may not be how it works.  I don’t pretend to know the law that well.  But that is an idea.  I think everywhere–on every wall, on every website, in every government depository, every place records are kept–we should stamp as indelibly as possible all evidence of voter fraud.  If we cannot get justice, we need to make every effort to claim history for truth.

Fight for what you can get.  Partial victories are always better than surrender, much less abject appeasement to the disgusting, illegal, and destructive.  We have far too many Quislings as it is.  I would love to see a dozen or more of our national leaders make their stand, even if defeat is foreordained.  Getting that debate, putting that evidence in a legal and public forum, would be worth something, particularly if it is two hours PER STATE whose Electors are patently illegal and invalid.

We should never grant to the Left their version of events, their on-going wiping of history, their purposive destruction of memory, their attacks on everything good.

Remember: those who destroy history are those who intend to repeat the worst parts of it.  This is the alternative meaning of “What’s Past is Prologue”: by deleting the past, you delete its lessons.  They want no warning, no context, no understanding.  Those may all complicate their plans.  It is as logical as it is evil.