
Occupy Main Street

This is a better name for the movement. They are interfering with ordinary citizens trying to do their jobs, pay their bills, and raise their families. There is no positive counterbalance to this. They are attacking people and police. They are trying to shut down the ports on the West Coast.

And to be clear, any “revolution” will necessarily hurt most ordinary, God-fearing Americans, most of whom are mostly decent.

When one studies the rhetoric and practice of class warfare, a reality emerges. There are the supposed elites, the “1%”. There is the supposed 99%. But the group making these distinctions, which itself is perhaps 1% of the population, does not include itself, the revolutionary class.

In the old Russia, there were a number of classes: the land owning aristocracy, the peasants, the proletarians, the capitalists, the bourgeoisie, and the REVOLUTIONARIES. What Lenin did was instill naked greed and hate in the peasants, greed and hate in the workers, and used that lust to kill large numbers of adversaries, then used that power to kill and control large numbers of, who? PEASANTS AND WORKERS.

Marx said revolution would be organic. He failed, in his economic analysis, to see how widespread the benefits of the Industrial Revolution would prove to be, and how effective Capitalism as an economic system would be at raising the standard of living of EVERYONE, even if unevenly.

As I have said often–actually that is a lie, as I have only implied this–what is often labelled “Marxism” ought properly to be labelled “Nechaevism”. Read the Catechism of a Revolutionist. This is the actual model Lenin followed.

Marxism cannot be “practiced” any more than gravity can be practiced. Marx thought he has found inexorable natural, historical laws, that could not be controverted. When they were, his theory was falsified.

Nechaevism–for which the term Nihilism was coined in Russia–has no content. It has no more content than the demonic doctrines of Saul Alinsky, who found actual gangsters to be his natural associates.

There is no practical difference between using the alleged victimization of the workers to gain power, and using the purported problems of overpopulation, Global Warming, racism, or anything else to gain power.

Practically, the two classes are a functioning, organic, relatively stable social order, and those who want to destroy it, to topple it.

Much of our financial system is in fact unstable, for reasons I have stated. Much of the instability is in my view, however, created intentionally by the revolutionaries. The people around FDR were tickled pink by the Great Depression, as it enabled them to implement programs they otherwise would never have been able to push through, much of which was actual Fascism, which was struck down by the Supreme Court.

To be or not to be: this remains a question the answer to which dictates, in the end, your politics. If you want death, then some variant of Nechaevism is where you will fall.

Just look at these people in New York and elsewhere: do they actually look like they are affirming life, or simply choosing to continue their process of zombification in public?