

If this thing does produce a spike in divorces–as I think many expect–that will create yet more economic trouble, and yet more troubled and unhappy children who in turn will create a yet more troubled and unhappy society.  Water flows downhill, and troubles tend to multiply.

Whatever else it is, a marriage is a useful economic arrangement, a division of both physical and emotional labor.  The latter falls disproportionately in most cases on women, but it does not diminish if and when they find themselves single mothers.  On the contrary, everything is compounded.

I judge people continually.  That should be obvious.  But I also don’t judge them.  As a general rule, I understand why people do what they do, and consider it an immutable rule that nobody does anything, ever, which is not emotionally logical to them at that time, which does not seem to make sense.

Life is complicated, and freedom can often seem a curse.  But freedom is the space within which problems can be corrected, over some time domain, after much trying and much failing. It all has value.

To live in a box is to be condemned never to get much larger.  Much of humanity, for much of history, has lived in boxes.  We need to protect the prairies and mountains of human potential.