

A response on HuffPo.

When Democrats talk of “cost control” what they are talking about is
healthcare rationing.  Why does America have the best and most
specialists in the world?  Because we PAY for them.  With regard to the
insurance industry, what do you think will act more effectively to cost
cutting: free market competition, or really, really sincere bureaucrats
who promise really, really hard that they won’t hire extra people to
build their budgets, offer wage increases unrelated to market realities,
or let their workers unionize.  Wait, that last one is already a fait

We need more competition, both between health CARE providers and health
INSURANCE providers, which some of you seem not to realize are two
different groups.

83% of doctors have thought about quitting because of Obamcare, at a time when we need MORE doctors. 

KFC estimates it franchisees will see their profits cut in HALF by
Obamacare, and it is easy to generalize to SMALL business in general
that this law will be DEVASTATING.  It is a cost increase with no
corresponding benefit to the business, which will, yes, hurt business
owners, but when they close their doors, are any of you so stupid as not
to realize that MASS unemployment will be the result? 

All you have to do to decipher the truth where leftists like Obama are
concerned is take their statements and invert them: he intends war on
the middle class, a war on women (whose struggles to survive are already
much harder than those of the average man), a war on small business, and generalized decreases in access to healthcare, at inflated costs.