
Obama as homosexual/The future of freedom

I spent perhaps half an hour over the weekend reading what I could on allegations by Wayne Madsen that both Obama and Rahm-bo (the macho twinkle fairy) were members of  Man’s Country, a gay club in Chicago.  Here is a link, typical of what you will find:

Yes, it is the Globe.  Yes, of course it is from a conspiracy website.  No, none of this is compelling in any way, if we don’t grant the primary witnesses the sort of credibility needed.

What I will say though is that as I was reading this, I kept hearing in my mind radio transmissions from Benghazi: “WE ARE IN HEAVY CONTACT.  REQUEST IMMEDIATE FIRE SUPPORT.  DO YOU COPY?”  I heard the machine gun fire, and RPG’s.  And then I saw someone muting the microphone, switching to a video feed, and doing absolutely nothing.  These transmissions were treated with the coldness of Det. Hoffman of Saw watching one of his victims die in agony and fear.

Clearly, two gay men from Obama’s church were killed in “execution style”.  This is not disputed by anyone.  A third died of apparent illness within the short time window in which the other two died.

Let me ask a simple question: given how little we otherwise know about Obama, why couldn’t he be someone who gets gay sex on the “down low” as they say?  More disturbingly, why couldn’t he have people in his circle who are capable of arranging murders?  I have always thought it odd that his grandmother died on the day of his election.  Why not go there, and wonder if her death was murder?  Why not allow ourselves, at least in principle, to believe the very worst of Obama?  Do you think ordinary Germans were capable of imagining the horrors of Auschwitz?  They had nothing like it in their history.  No one did, although the Soviets came close in the worst of their camps.

When you look at the treatment of Obama’s patently falsified birth certificate by the complicit media, and REALLY contemplate it, it seems we are already living in an Orwellian state.  Yes, there is opposition, but it is largely irrelevant.  In fact, to the extent that we provide an object of hatred, we are USEFUL for the people who otherwise control the entire narrative–the whole worldview, sense of truth–for the majority of Americans.  They need a focal point to distract people not just from their blatant and on-going failures, but from their aggressive efforts to end the role of the Constitution outright, to implement massive, blanket propaganda in favor of tyranny.  As Commander in Chief, Obama is already on all accounts trying to indoctrinate our soldiers to believe that people who talk about human rights are somehow the descendants not of the people who created the most just nation in the history of the Earth, but rather of Southern Democrats who hated black people and burned crosses and lynched them to create compliance with their own agenda.

I will say this: if the full power of the American government is turned on the American people, it will be hard to resist.  They have nearly perfect informational efficiency, they have detailed social maps, they have names and addresses.  They can track cell phones.  There are cameras everywhere.  All freeways are monitored.

Our future depends upon those WITHIN the system who retain a commitment to freedom, and to the rule of law which enables it.  We depend on military leaders and police leaders, who perhaps out of political necessity offer lip service support to Obama’s totalitarian agenda, but who fully intend the opposite of compliance when asked to attack American citizens.  We depend on people within our spy agencies who retain an actual sense of patriotism, who actually believe in freedom.

We need people with unusual skills, like former Special Operations personnel, to have plans, and networks.  OF COURSE you are being watched.  This is a logistical problem solved with low tech means.

And who watches the watchers?  Imagine the logistical demands political paranoia places on those who fear all dissent and resistance.  They have to watch the people watching the people watching the people, and until a patently illegal or immoral order is given, they can’t know who will comply with certainty.  That is perhaps the only reason we still have our freedom.

Don’t you wonder if FBI or NSA agents asked to monitor people for clearly political reasons sometimes ask themselves how on earth their integrity became so compromised?  They are acting like the Gestapo, even if they are not yet arresting people purely for political dissent.

I would encourage anyone who has not seen it to watch the German movie “The Lives of Others”.

This is a time when it is appropriate to be afraid, but there remain many people loyal to the American Dream.  Many have simply been duped by Obama.  The people we need to worry about constitute in my view much less than 10% of the populace, and likely less than 1%.  Still, the capacity for centralized command and control by a small elite has never been greater.

Stay on your toes.