Why would they have NOT have given “our allies” training and material support? This seems to have been the whole point of Benghazi–to funnel arms–and why would some training not have come with it? As I have seen very knowledgeable commentator note, somewhere around 2012-2013, the ragtag “rebels” suddenly learned how to maneuver in larger groups, which is what enabled them to conquer the territories they have.
And while I’m at it, a brief word on Gitmo. Only lunatics would argue that serial rapist and murderers should be free to roam the streets of America. We recognize that some people have to be put away for life, and in point of fact thousands if not tens of thousands of violent felons have been thus incarcerated. Had he not been executed, Ted Bundy would still be in prison.
Why, then, is Gitmo objectionable? Granted, everyone should receive a trial by military tribunal. I categorically, absolutely support that. Standards of evidence should be relaxed, given the chaotic circumstances of war, but some evidentiary hearings should be done, with everyone.
But having done that, they are no different than the Jeffrey Dahmers of the world: they need to stay in jail for the safety of everyone.
I read our brilliant government has put a $5 million bounty on a someone WE RELEASED. Who, anywhere, can justify such imbecility? Yes, I get that no leftist anywhere gives a shit about brown people killing brown people–they are so hard to tell apart.
But surely such lunatics remain the exception even in the Obama Administration?