
Obama, added thought

It may literally be the case that our President is a Kenyan born Indonesian national who has been living and working in the United States illegally for 20 or more years, and who could literally be deported for it. He could also likely be arrested for fraud because of his use of a false Social Security card.

On that last point, to be clear, if he used that number to apply for work with a roofing or landscaping company, he would not be hired, as it doesn’t pass muster as a valid SSN.

In researching this last, though, interestingly, just in the LAST THREE YEARS courts have started deemphasizing the criminality of using a false SSN.

You have to KNOWINGLY use SOMEONE ELSE’s number, or put someone else’s name on there. If it is just fake, then it’s not that big a deal, if it has your name on it.

All the same, if we survive this period of history in freedom and the truth comes out, I think it will be astonishing how little we knew about a man we entrusted all our secrets to.