
Notes, quotes, grabbag continued

You can have a name without an experience, and an experience without a name.  One obvious example: you can know what saffron IS without knowing what it TASTES like.  Conversely, you can sense a familiar taste in your food, but be utterly unable to name it.

I have a note to discuss the Ethiopian famine.  The short version–which by the way I have verified in personal conversation with people from Ethiopia–is that Communists took over and tried to collectivize farming.  This meant highly stupid policies in which people were moved at the point of guns from farms which were working and feeding people to places chosen nearly at random by people who did not understand farming, but who wanted it all to happen in one place and in a certain way.  This is what provoked the need for Bob Geldof to create an international aid blitz.  Many, many people died quite simply as a result of the accession to power of people who were arrogant, ignorant, and indifferent to human suffering.

I will note that virtually no one realized–at the time, or now–that this famine was artificial and brought about by policies that in general are supported by New York and California elites and their ilk.

Persevere in what you want to define you.

Attention is a scarce resource with alternative uses (borrowing from Sowell’s definition of economics).  Wealth is meaning and engagement.  A meaning system allocates attention.  So does a truth system.  A meaning system is true if it works.

Ref: previous quote: all life is economics.

Economic growth is mixing chemicals together that take time to react.

Think of profit as a tip for service.

There will be more tomorrow. I  am organizing and want to get rid of this pile.